How can I execute some async tasks in parallel with limit in generator function?

I’m trying to execute some async tasks in parallel with a limitation on the maximum number of simultaneously running tasks.

There’s an example of what I want to achieve:

Task flow example

Currently this tasks are running one after another. It’s implemented this way:

export function signData(dataItem) {
  cadesplugin.async_spawn(async function* (args) {
    //... nestedArgs assignment logic ...

    for (const id of dataItem.identifiers) {
      yield* idHandler(dataItem, id, args, nestedArgs);
    // some extra logic after all tasks were finished
  }, firstArg, secondArg);

async function* idHandler(edsItem, researchId, args, nestedArgs) {
  let oDocumentNameAttr = yield cadesplugin.CreateObjectAsync("CADESCOM.CPAttribute");
  yield oDocumentNameAttr.propset_Value("Document Name");
  // this function mutates some external data, making API calls and returns void

Unfortunately, I can’t make any changes in cadesplugin.* functions, but I can use any external libraries (or built-in Promise) in my code.

I found some methods (eachLimit and parallelLimit) in async library that might work for me and an answer that shows how to deal with it.

But there are still two problems I can’t solve:

  1. How can I pass main params into nested function?
  2. Main function is a generator function, so I still need to work with yield expressions in main and nested functions

There’s a link to cadesplugin.* source code, where you can find async_spawn (and another cadesplugin.*) function that used in my code.

That’s the code I tried with no luck:

await forEachLimit(dataItem.identifiers, 5, yield* async function* (researchId, callback) { 
  //... nested function code 

It leads to Object is not async iterable error.

Another attempt:

let functionArray = [];
dataItem.identifiers.forEach(researchId => {
  functionArray.push(researchIdHandler(dataItem, id, args, nestedArgs))
await parallelLimit(functionArray, 5);

It just does nothing.

Сan I somehow solve this problem, or the generator functions won’t allow me to do this?