What is the correct way to pass a function as a Prop in React

There are a few questions with similar wording but none that helps me.

I have a parent component, that wants to pass a function to a child component through Props, and the child component will execute the function within its logic. However, ESLint is returning me the error “JSX props should not use functions react/jsx-no-bind“. I understand that this is inefficient because the function will be re-created everytime the component re-renders. What would be the correct way to do this?

Parent Component

function App() {
  const [recipes, setRecipes] = useState(sampleRecipes);

  function handleRecipeAdd() {
    const newRecipe = // some logic to create newRecipe here
    setRecipes([...recipes, newRecipe]);

  return <RecipeList recipes={recipes} handleRecipeAdd={handleRecipeAdd} />;

Child Component

interface Props {
  handleRecipeAdd: () => void;

export default function RecipeList(props: Props) {
  const { handleRecipeAdd } = props;
  return (
        <button onClick={handleRecipeAdd}>
          Add Recipe

Note that this is not the exact code for both components, it has been simplified to remove irrelevant code.