How to solve realm already opened on current thread with different schema?

What I’m trying to do is save a table and his following fields , but these table’s are defined by an API response and the fields are predeterminated, but I cannot figure out how to make it works properlly since the table is variable, I will show you some code:

Here is my model where I call the realm to open my table , as you can see there is a variable called table and this is where I send a string which is the name of the table that I want to open.

export const getRealm = async(table) => {
  const tabela = {
    name: table,
    properties: {
      field: "string",
      fieldtype: "string",
  try {
    return await
        schema: [tabela],
        deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded: true,
  } catch (error) {     
    console.log('ERRRRROOOOOOOR REALM',error.message);

When I want to store some data into my realm, with the controller realmAction.js , my dados is a JSON and my objeto is the name of the table which is a string

export const FieldsSchema = async (dados,objeto) => { 
  try {
      async (item) => {
      await getRealm(objeto).then((realm) => {      
        const data = {
        field: item.field,
        fieldtype: item.fieldtype,
        realm.write(() => {
        realm.create(objeto, data, 'modified'); 
       // realm.close(); Closing results me in an error which is `Cannot access realm that has been closed` cause its a map function and send more than once the same table string
  } catch (error) {
    console.log('ERROOOR', error.message);

What seems to be wrong is that realm cannot handle oppening two different tables in the same thread , but as I read in the mongo/realm documentation I need to seet a model schema , but my models are a variable which the users create , someone knows how can I handle this ?