Receiving error in selenium when using HTTPS localhost

I am setting up the first automated tests for a web app I’m working on, and have hit a state I don’t understand.

It is a browser app, so I start a very simple static server:

    import http from 'http';

    let serve = serveStatic(path);
    server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
        var done = finalhandler(req, res);
        serve(req, res, done);

During my testing, I receive an error message HTTP method not allowed

let options = new firefox.Options();
let capabilities = webdriver.Capabilities.firefox().set('acceptInsecureCerts', true);
let driver = new webdriver.Builder()

await driver.get('');
let tab = await driver.findElement(state.By.css('ps-tabpanel'));
tab = await tab.getShadowRoot(); // HTTP method not allowed

On a hunch, I changed this to an HTTPS connection

import http from 'https';

In this case I receive a very different error

await driver.get('');
// Reached error page: about:neterror?e=nssFailure2&u=https%3A//

So my main question is, what am I doing wrong to access the shadowRoot using Javascript Selenium?

For reference

  • mocha + selenium + firefox
  • gitpod environment
  • have an earlier test that simply verifies I can connect to just to prove the connection is working.