I’m testing the call but I keep getting the error uncaught type Error. it says the error is when i call data.tracks.items.
It says the error is at Object.success, at i, at Object.fireWith, at z, at XMLHttpRequest
console.log('hello world');
$('form').submit(function(event) {
let query = $('input').val();
let context = $('input[name="context"]:checked').val();
$.get('/search?' + $.param({context: context, query: query}), function(data) {
data.tracks.items.forEach(function(track, index) {
let trackSearch = "https://open.spotify.com/track/";
let newElement = $('<a onClick="getFeatures('' + track.id + '')" target="_blank"></a><br>').text(track.name + ' | ' + track.artists[0].name).attr('href', trackSearch + track.id);
}); ```