Read an element within an iframe

I’m building an Edge extension. I’m trying to get the exact same element as this question asks, but I want to use JS, not Selenium.

I’m running the JS through my extension’s background script. In the future, I would like the popup to have a button and that button to read the syllable on screen.

The provided solution is in Selenium and I’d like to transpile it into JS.

If none of this works, I guess I’ll have to use optical text recognition.

Here’s manifest.json

    "name": "myName",
    "description": "myDescription",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "manifest_version": 3,
    "icons": {
        "128": "myIcon.png"
    "content_scripts": [
            "matches": [
            "js": [

Inside js folder, here’s myScript.js

console.log('myscript is running')

const syllableHandler = () => { 
    const iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")

document.addEventListener('keydown', syllableHandler)