JavaScript: Making an If statement adjust to a variable after adding to it

I am creating a HTML/JavaScript page that displays world clocks, However I ran into a problem with the clocks not adjusting to the AM/PM correctly, and also not staying in the standard time format. I realize this is because the if statement that makes the session change to = ‘PM’ only works for the time zone it gets. Also my code only gets the time and puts it in the California slot because that is the time zone I am in, so if you open this code in a time zone other than pacific time, all of the world clocks will be incorrect. Is it possible to keep my clocks in a standard time format and also be the correct AM or PM?

    <div id="container">
        <div id="clockContainer">
            <div id="titleContainer">
                <p id="title">California</p>
                <p id="clock" class='clock'></p>
            <div id="titleContainer">
                <p id="title">New York</p>
                <p id="york" class='clock'></p>
            <div id="titleContainer">
                <p id="title">Hawaii</p>
                <p id="hawaii" class='clock'></p>
        <div id="clockContainer">
            <div id="titleContainer">
                <p id="title">Dubai</p>
                <p id="dubai" class='clock'></p>
            <div id="titleContainer">
                <p id="title">Seconds</p>
                <p id="seconds" class='clock'></p>
            <div id="titleContainer">
                <p id="title">London</p>
                <p id="london" class='clock'></p>
        <div id="clockContainer">
            <div id="titleContainer">
                <p id="title">Tokyo</p>
                <p id="tokyo" class='clock'></p>
            <div id="titleContainer">
                <p id="title">Paris</p>
                <p id="paris" class='clock'></p>
            <div id="titleContainer">
                <p id="title">Moscow</p>
                <p id="moscow" class='clock'></p>


let clock = document.getElementById('clock');

function currentTime() {

    let date = new Date();
    let hours = date.getHours();
    let minutes = date.getMinutes();
    let seconds = date.getSeconds();
    let session = 'AM';

    if(hours == 0){
        hours = 12
    if (hours > 12){
        hours = hours - 12
        session = 'PM'

    minutes = (minutes < 10) ? "0" + minutes : minutes;
    seconds = (seconds < 10) ? "0" + seconds : seconds;
    let time = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + session;
    document.getElementById('clock').innerText = time;
    let york = (hours + 3) + ':' + minutes + ' ' + session;
    document.getElementById('york').innerText = york;

    let hawaii = (hours - 2) + ':' + minutes + ' ' + session;
    document.getElementById('hawaii').innerText = hawaii;

    let dubai = (hours + 12) + ':' + minutes + ' ' + session;
    document.getElementById('dubai').innerText = dubai;

    document.getElementById('seconds').innerText = ':' + seconds;

    let london = (hours + 8) + ':' + minutes + ' ' + session;
    document.getElementById('london').innerText = london;

    let moscow = (hours + 12) + ':' + minutes + ' ' + session;
    document.getElementById('moscow').innerText = moscow;

    let paris = (hours + 9) + ':' + minutes + ' ' + session;
    document.getElementById('paris').innerText = paris;

    let tokyo = (hours + 17) + ':' + minutes + ' ' + session;
    document.getElementById('tokyo').innerText = tokyo;

    let t = setTimeout(function(){  currentTime() }, 1000);

