array elements does not match same assigned elements

I wrote a function where I am looping through an array(which contains a number of array elements itself).
e.g. theMainAr:[ [ 5 ],[ 5, 3 ],[ 5, 3, 9 ],[ 5, 3, 9, 4 ],[ 3 ],[ 3, 9 ],[ 3, 9, 4 ],[ 9 ],[ 9, 4 ],[ 4 ] ]
The main array I got the above array from is : weights: [5,3,9,4]
I want to get a combination from these above arrays like this:sameLenAr:[[5,9],[5,4],[5,3,4],[3,4]]
My code is:

let sameLenAr = []
    let inc = 0
    for(let i=1;i<theMainAr.length-3;i++){  
        let curLen = theMainAr[i].length
            let curAr = theMainAr[i]
            let curArLen = curAr.length
            let indexOfEle = weights.indexOf(curAr[curLen-1])
              for(let m=indexOfEle+1; m<lenOfWets;m++){
                //   console.log(a)
                 curAr[curArLen -1] = weights[m]
                 sameLenAr[inc] = curAr

But Everytime I get an output like this: [[5,4],[5,4],[5,3,4],[3,4]]
The first element is not [5,9]