axios: how to access response when getting 403 exception?

I have the following scenario:

The backend detects that the token has expired, so it returns 403 with custom “error” response header.

This can be reproduced by firing the following request:

     .then(res => console.log("I am expecting to enter this block, and do something with the response header"))
     .catch(err => console.log("But instead I skip the Then block and go straight here...));

In Chrome’s networking tab, I can indeed see that the header is there in the response:

<Response headers>
content-type: application/json
error: JWT expired at ......... <-- my header

However, it appears that I go straight into the catch block, where I do not have an access to the response and its headers. I was expecting to go into the then block and do some logic, such as:

.then(res => {
  if (res.statusCode === 403 && res.headers['error'] === 'JWT expired at .....') {
    // refresh token...

How can I access my response and its headers, when the then block is skipped?