Getting an error ‘Unknown column’ in ‘order clause’ using typeorm

I’m trying to create a query with typeorm and MySQL.
I keep getting the following error:

[Nest] 44806 – 12/09/2021, 2:37:03 PM ERROR [ExceptionsHandler]
ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column ‘sort_order’ in ‘order clause’
QueryFailedError: ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column ‘sort_order’ in
‘order clause’

My query is:

const { limit, page: skip, userLat, userLng, searchQuery, weekday, startHour, endHour } = options;
let stores;

// get only stores that open in the start and end hours range
const openHoursQuery = `
      '${startHour}' BETWEEN `from` AND `to` AND
      '${endHour}' BETWEEN `from` AND `to`
      AND weekday = ${weekday}

// get the distance from user's location to each store
const getDistanceQuery = `
        POW(69.1 * (lat - ${userLat}), 2) +
        POW(69.1 * (${userLng} - `long`) * COS(lat / 57.3), 2)
      ) AS distance

stores = this.storeRepository.createQueryBuilder('store')
  .leftJoinAndSelect('store.hours', 'store_hours')
  .addSelect(userLat && userLng ? getDistanceQuery : '')
  .where(searchQuery ? `name LIKE '%${searchQuery}%'` : '')
  .andWhere(weekday && startHour && endHour ? openHoursQuery : '')
  .orderBy(userLat && userLng ? 'distance' : 'sort_order')//sort_order

return stores;

The problem is caused by the “leftJoinAndSelect” method, when I comment the join the query executes without any problems.

My DB tables look like this:

TABLE: stores

COLUMNS: id, uuid, name, status, address, URL, email, lat, long, sort_order

Table: store_hours

COLUMNS: id, store_id, weekday, from, to, type