How to make mock api axios call in test?

Hello I am new to testing and I am following this client’s testing protocol where they make an request to a localhost end point (they start up a separate express server during test script)

describe("Arrived For Delivery", () => {
it("POST /courier/arrivedForDelivery should return success", async () => {
    const res = await
        { order_id: "MOCK" },
            params: {
                authentication: mockAuth,
    // Assertion

it("POST /courier/arrivedForDelivery should return error data", async () => {
    // Arrange
    const stubProviderStorage = stub(ProviderStorage, "GetProviderByID");
    stubProviderStorage.throws({ message: "test" });

    try {
        // Act
            { order_id: "MOCK" },
                params: {
                    authentication: mockAuth,

        // Assert;
    } catch (error) {
        expect((error as AxiosError).response?.data){
            code: 400,
            message: "arrivedForDelivery Error test",


is it possible to use sinon to make a mock api call and define what the response should be? because my senior dev from another company is telling me that i shouldnt be making real axios requests in an unit test nor i should make requests outside the code base.
any suggestions?