Ellipsize middle of string in Javascriptt

I am currently trying to create a function that will ellipsize the middle of a text string. The idea is for it to show the first five characters and the last five characters. The middle of the string will just show as

So for example if I have dkjkjfdljfldkjfssdfsf

It should show as


I so far have this function:

function ellipsizeIt(text, length) {
if (text.length > length) { return ${text.substring(0, length)}...${text.substring(0, length)}; }
return text;

But its just repeating the string first five characters when I do:

ellipsizeIt(text, 5);

It will show as


Any way to do it so that it doesnt just repeat the first five characters in the end of the string and show the actual last 5 characters?