Why does a variable with .substring() not reflect css styling?

Using pure javascript, I am trying to create a price-validating function that when used, validates prices entered into a form. There are 4 requirements to my validation:

  1. Input must be a number and cannot be empty
  2. If a decimal is entered, there must at least be 1 pre- and post-decimal character
  3. Price entered must be a number that is between $1 and $99.99 (both inclusive)
  4. Price entered must not have whitespaces in between

and here is my code:

function formCheck() {
  var success = true; //default, assumes client enters all fields correctly so "process.html" will load
  var msgBox = document.getElementById('divMessage'); //feedback div

  //Price Variables
  var movPrice = document.getElementById('txtPrice');
  var priceFdBk1 = '<ul><li> Please enter <b>numbers</b> only. </li></ul>';
  var priceFdBk2 =
    '<ul><li> You entered a decimal point. Please enter a <b>number</b> both before and after the decimal place. </li></ul>';
  var priceFdBk3 = '<ul><li> Please enter a movie price between $1.00 to $99.99 (up to 2 decimal places). </li></ul>';
  var priceFdBk4 = '<ul><li> Please do not leave a space when entering the movie price. </li></ul>';

  //Price Validation
  function priceCheck(price, fdBk1, fdBk2, fdBk3, fdBk4) {
    //arguments = price and feedbacks if errors are made
    var price_clean = price.value.trim(); //price entered by client without whitespace
    var price_len = price_clean.length; //number of characters in price entered

    //If there is a $ sign, remove it first
    var dollarSensor = price_clean.charAt(0);
    if (dollarSensor == '$') {
      price_clean = price_clean.substring(1);

    //If there is a decimal point, obtain pre- and post-decimal characters
    if (price_clean.indexOf('.') > -1) {
      var deciSensor = 1; //remember that input has a decimal
      var intValue = price_clean.split('.')[0]; //obtain pre-decimal characters)
      var decimalValue = price_clean.split('.')[1]; //obtain post-decimal characters
      var postCounter = 0;
      for (var j = 0; j < decimalValue.length; j++) {
        //count number of decimal places
        postCounter += 1;

    //Filter 1: Input must be a number and cannot be empty
    if (isNaN(price_clean) || price_clean == '') {
      msgBox.innerHTML = fdBk1;
      price.className = 'yellow';
      success = false;

    //Filter 2: If a decimal is entered, there must at least be 1 pre- and post-decimal character
    else if ((deciSensor == 1 && intValue == '') || (deciSensor == 1 && decimalValue == '')) {
      //if client did not enter a number before and after the decimal point
      msgBox.innerHTML = fdBk2;
      price.className = 'yellow';
      success = false;

    //Filter 3: Price entered must be a number that is between $1 and $99.99 (both inclusive)
    else if (price_clean < 1 || price_clean > 99.99 || postCounter > 2) {
      msgBox.innerHTML = fdBk3; //message in feedback div
      price.className = 'yellow';
      success = false; //prevent loading of "process.html" since selected movie is invalid
    } else {
      price.className = 'transparent';

    //Filter 4: Price entered must not have whitespaces in between
    for (var i = 0; i < price_len; i++) {
      oneDigit = price_clean.charAt(i);
      if (oneDigit == ' ') {
        //if the price float character has a whitespace
        msgBox.innerHTML = fdBk4; //message in feedback div
        price.className = 'yellow'; //highlight error in client's input
        success = false; //prevent loading of "process.html" since selected movie is invalid
      } else if (oneDigit == '') {
        //if the price float character has no whitespace
        price.className = 'transparent'; //remove highlight from client's input
  priceCheck(movPrice, priceFdBk1, priceFdBk2, priceFdBk3, priceFdBk4);

  return success;
.yellow {
  background-color: yellow;

.transparent {
  background-color: transparent;

h1 {
  color: #7157ff;

hr {
  display: block;
  border: 0;
  border-top: 3px solid #f90;
  padding: 0;

textarea {
  width: 70%;

#div_main {
  font-family: Sans-serif;
  margin: auto;
  margin-top: 30px;
  width: 500px;

#div_left {
  width: 150px;
  display: inline-block;
  float: left;

#div_left p {
  margin-bottom: 19px;

#div_right {
  width: 350px;
  display: inline-block;
  float: right;

.clear {
  clear: both;
<div id="div_main">
    Add Movie
  <form action="process.html" method="POST">
    <div id="div_left">
      <p>Price* ($):</p>
    <div id="div_right">
      <p><input type="text" id="txtPrice" name="txtPrice"></p>
    <input type="submit" id="btnSubmit" onclick="return formCheck()">
  <div id="divMessage">
    *denotes compulsary fields.

The code works fine but has 1 issue, which I suspect comes from this line:

price_clean = price_clean.substring(1)

Specifically, whenever I enter a “$” sign into the form, my code will remove the “$” sign and validate the input as usual. However, when the input is invalid, it no longer highlights the input box in yellow.

May I know what is going on and how can this be fixed using vanilla javascript? Thank you