Webpack is not compatible with react router dom v6?

Some hours ago, i posted a question about, why my routes weren’t working in my module-federation/react application, some people tried to help me, but they couldn’t.

I was using webpack so i can use microfronteds as components with react, and with TS, but, i had a big problem with my routes.

( This is the link to the post My routing with React router dom, <Route /> not working ).

Then i said, you know what, i’ll do this with pure JS, i’m pretty sure there was a problem with ts config or something like that.

Then, after migrating everything everything to simple JS, my routes with react-router-dom are not working as before.

Is there a posibility that, the new version of react-router-dom ( https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/getting-started/overview ) and webpack do not match ? This sounds weird, but i don’t see other way to figure this out.