If I enter a fromAmount which is larger than the current toAmount, then toAmount value is expected to become fromAmount + $1.
const initialObj = {
fromAmount: '',
toAmount: '',
comment: ''
const [itemObj, setItemObj] = useState(initialObj);
const setItemFieldHandler = (key, value) => {
console.log("set", key, value);
console.log("old state: ", itemObj);
const newState = {
[key]: value
console.log("new state: ", newState);
const handleFromAmountInput = useCallback((value) => {
setItemFieldHandler('fromAmount', value);
//check if from amount > to amount,
// then set toAmount = fromAmount + 1
if(areBothAmountsValid()) {
const newToAmount = value + 1;
}, [itemObj]);
const handleToAmountInput = useCallback((value => {
setItemFieldHandler('toAmount', value);
}, [itemObj]);
The current from-amount is 1, to-amount is 5. If I change from-amount to 10, the console log is:
set fromAmount 10
old state:
fromAmount: 1,
toAmount: 5,
comment: ''
new state:
fromAmount: 10,
toAmount: 5,
comment: ''
set toAmount 11
old state:
fromAmount: 1,
toAmount: 5,
comment: ''
new state:
fromAmount: 1,
toAmount: 11,
comment: ''
What confuses me is that, fromAmount is already set as 10, why when calling handleToAmountInput(), the fromAmount’s value is still 1.
At first, I thought it is because the setState is async, so I used setTimeOut to make handleToAmountInput() running after like 5s to test, but the issue is still the same.
Does anyone know the reason and how to solve it?