I have set up webpack to generate the public directory from my development enviroment. I have several pages that are being built.
Therefore my entry configuration looks like this:
entry: {
page_one: [one/main.js, one/index.html, ...]
page_two: [two/main.js, two/index.html, ...]
This works perfectly fine. However i also want to extract some js-files that depends on some serverside renderings. Therefore i dont always have to include those. My initial aproach was to simply add the js file to my entryset. Looks like this:
entry: {
page_one: [one/main.js, one/maybe.js, one/index.html, ...]
page_two: [two/main.js, one/another.js, two/index.html, ...]
The problem is that both js files get packed into one output file. That kinda makes sense to me but is there some way to archieve my goal of exporting them both separately on the same entrypoint?
Folder structure i get:
- public
- one
- index.html
- main.js
- two
- index.html
- main.js
Folder structure i want:
- public
- one
- index.html
- main.js
- maybe.js
- two
- index.html
- main.js
- another.js
As mentioned maybe.js and another.js are there but packed into main.js but i want them to be extracted separately.