Filtering array of objects with nestead array loop

I am trying to filter an array, based on some nested object.
the final value would be the main object.

this is the data I have.

JSonData =  [
            "ID": 1,
            "Name": "0ABCDDDD",
            "Business Profile Owner": "owner ",
            "Folder": "out-of-the-box strategize methodologies",
            "Profile Type": "Greenholt",
            "status": "low"
            "Risk": [
                "ID": 1.1,
                "Name": "Tiaxxxxxnna",
                "Risk Owner": "Lindgren",
                "Risk Taxonomy": "Lindgren",
                "status": "high"
                "Control": [
                    "ID": 1.2,
                    "Name": "rrrrrrrrrr",
                    "Control Owner": "333333",
                    "Control Hierarchy": "North Laurineshire",
                    "Control Type 3": "Jerde Spring",
                    "status": "high"
                    "ID": 1.21,
                      "Name": "cccccccActive",
                    "Control Owner": "333333",
                    "Control Hierarchy": "North Laurineshire",
                    "Control Type 3": "Jerde Spring",
                    "status": "low"
                ID: 1.11,
                Name: "Tiaxxxxxnna",
                "Risk Owner": "rRrrrrrrrrrrr",
                "Risk Taxonomy": "rrrrrrrrrrrr",
                "status": "low"
    }, {
            "ID": 2,
            "Name": "dddd0ABCDDDD",
            "Business Profile Owner": "ddddd ",
            "Folder": "strategize methodologies",
            "Profile Type": "ssd",
            "status": "high"
            "Risk": [
                "ID": 2.1,
                "Name": "deeeeeec",
                "Risk Owner": "Lindgren",
                "Risk Taxonomy": "Lindgren",
                "status": "high"
                "Control": [
                    "ID": 2.2,
                   "Name": "3Active",
                    "Control Owner": "333333",
                    "Control Hierarchy": "North Laurineshire",
                    "Control Type 3": "Jerde Spring",
                    "status": "high"
                    "ID": 2.21,
                    "Name": "55555Active",
                    "Control Owner": "333333",
                    "Control Hierarchy": "North Laurineshire",
                    "Control Type 3": "Jerde Spring",
                    "status": "low"
                ID: 2.11,
                Name: "33333333",
                "Risk Owner": "eeeeeeee",
                "Risk Taxonomy": "wwwwwwwww",
                "status": "high"
    }, {
            "ID": 3,
            "Name": "WWWW",
            "Business Profile Owner": "Business Profile",
            "Folder": "strategize",
            "Profile Type": "cccccc",
            "status": "high"
            "Risk": [
                "ID": 3.1,
                "Name": "ruchas",
                "Risk Owner": "boss",
                "Risk Taxonomy": "8989889",
                "status": "high"
                "Control": [
                    "ID": 3.2,
                     "Name": "Active",
                    "Control Owner": "eeeeee",
                    "Control Hierarchy": "North",
                    "Control Type 3": "Jerde",
                    "status": "low"
                    "ID": 3.21,
                    "Name": "Active1",
                    "Control Owner": "wwwwww",
                    "Control Hierarchy": "Laurineshire",
                    "Control Type 3": "Spring",
                    "status": "high"
                ID: 3.11,
                Name: "EEEE",
                "Risk Owner": "eeeeeeee",
                "Risk Taxonomy": "wwwwwwwww",
                "status": "low"

The multiple values which are selected from multi-select are

[{name: 'Business Profile', type: 'bp'}
{name: 'Low', type: 'risk'}
{name: 'Active', type: 'control'}]

here ‘bp’ is the main object (ID’s which are 1,2,3).
risk and control are nested objects/ Array.

it should return the following object since it matches all records.
(selected records should work with && operations)

        "ID": 3,
        "Name": "WWWW",
        "Business Profile Owner": "Business Profile",
        "Folder": "strategize",
        "Profile Type": "cccccc",
        "status": "high"
        "Risk": [
            "ID": 3.1,
            "Name": "ruchas",
            "Risk Owner": "boss",
            "Risk Taxonomy": "8989889",
            "status": "low"
            "Control": [
                "ID": 3.2,
                 "Name": "Active",
                "Control Owner": "eeeeee",
                "Control Hierarchy": "North",
                "Control Type 3": "Jerde",
                "status": "low"
            ID: 3.11,
            Name: "EEEE",
            "Risk Owner": "eeeeeeee",
            "Risk Taxonomy": "wwwwwwwww",
            "status": "low"