App Prgramming For Iphone Blackberry Etc.

We have several hotels in Switzerland near Zermatt/Matterhorn. We have just published a new Homepage As hardly everybody communicate today by Iphone, Blackberry or other cellular phones connected to the internet, we want to lance our “Art Furrer Hotels App”!

The app must be simple, funny, informative, good locking and should contain the following submenus: – link to our homepage
Web-Cams – link to
News – link is to be specified
Art Furrer TV – link to youtube, where I, my staff and even our guests can place short videos directly from our Iphones or Smartphones.

About the TV Project I have to look for futher informations. I have to check how I can upload all these videos in a specified place on our homepage. A programm should copy the URL Code from youtube direct in our homepage?!

As my motherlanguage is german it would be great, when I could find a programmer you could speak german! But it is not mandatory!

Thanks and many greatings Andreas

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