I want to have a script where I could install on multi websites (I’d be selling it to clients).
It’s called Anywhere Case.
Lawyers login to an admin panel, there they can change their password, email.
They can add and remove clients as well as edit them.
They need to be able to SEARCH for clients.
When they add a client it should have a bunch of input fields like last name, first name, phone number, address, and a check box of what type of case theirs is so: rape, drug possesion, assault, etc they are allowed to check as many as they need,
they should be able to ALSO add court dates, upload documents so it will be in a libarary for that client (pdfs, docs, xmls contracts, jpgs, ect), they should be able to view the documents and download them.
They should also be able to add notes about the court appearnce or what the judge said. – I also want a status build in the they can change it so it can be “Active” “Deactive” “Case Closed”.
I want my website URL at the bottom, no hidden links to your website, I don’t want anyone’s name on the CSS, or anything. Just my company’s name. This script SHOULDN’T be SOLD to anyone else since this is MY script I’m payig for.
I’m also willing to take other suggestions for awesome features for this software.