ColorPicker.Pro is a collection of different color pickers created on a single engine. Each color picker is a separate javascript and the css file and you can use the one you need in your application.
Key Features
HSL/RGB support
ColorPicker.Pro allows choosing a color by modifying HSL or RGB values. You also see actual HSL/RGB indexes while choosing a color in the palette.
Custom Colors
ColorPicker.Pro allows the user to add colors to a custom colors palette.
Attaching to Input
ColorPicker.Pro can easily be attached to an existing input control (by adding one attribute to the input tag). The control then gets a small square box with the chosen color as background.
Other Features
- Customizable CSS-based UI
- Lightweight, at around 30KB minified (or ~7KB minified + gzipped)
- Convert colors between HEX, RGB , HSL and Named Colors
- Zero dependencies (not even jQuery)
- Supports IE11+, Safari, Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Opera, Firefox