I attached a .DOC file that has the same information, but is easier to read. I will continue to work on this plugin, so if you hopefully we can continue with a phase 2.
The intention of this plugin is to manage documents in their own directory and subdirectories. It will work with a custom field in a custom post type (ex. “documents”). Phase I will start with the basic needs.
The functionality of the plugin will be to add a panel in a custom post type that will allow the user to upload a file, or select from an already existing file on the server, and then store the directory/filename text string in a custom field.
The plugin should:
• Create a new menu called “Doc Manager”
• Create a submenu called “Settings”. At this point settings will only have three items.
o A textbox to define the root directory (ex. “wp-content/documents”) and an update button
o A textbox to define the custom field name ( ex. “document_url”) that will store the document directory/filename text string
o Checkboxes for Posts, Pages and the existing custom post types so the user can decide which post types that will have the document manager functionality. If that is too difficult, it can be just a text box where the user can enter the custom post type name.
• (optional) Create a submenu called “directories” which will list the current directories and allow the user to enter a new one. This would add a subdirectory under the “root” directory. At this point they can’t delete directories, just add them. If this is difficult, do not bid on it.
• For the post type that is defined in the settings, the plugin will create a panel called “Document File” that will have a textbox and a “Select File” button that will open a dialogue box, similar to the media “Add an image”, where the user can either upload a file from their desktop, or they can select from the document library of files (they should be able to select a subdirectory which will list all the files in the directory). Once the document is selected from the server or uploaded from the desktop to the server, the subdirectory/filename will be placed in the textbox, which is stored in the custom field.