Site Clone With All Funcutions (complax Project)


I am after a site clone of the following website,

Please be aware this site is offline for a few years there is no site online at present, I now own the domian name etc.

This is the third time this project has beeen posted, so far, no one has been able to deliver the site.

The site itself:
Is an image rating site, users can register, send private messages, every day one person will be the featured member, also what is needed is a fully intergrated message board so when the user logins they will be able to access everything.

Here is what the site needs
Message Board
Top 25
Top Male
Top Female
1-10 Image Rating
Top Posters

Who’s Online
Private Messaging centre

And a few other odd’s and ends.

The layout needs to be as close as possible to the old site. As previously stated, thie site is no longer online, so I can only go from memory and also from the web archive.

Joomla and Drupal will most likely not cut it (Last attempt was in Drupal) I was thinking about JomSocial but I do not think this will work correctly.

If you are going to bid over $500 then please dont bother bidding.

I will make FULL PAYMENT via Esrow or Paypal, I will only pay when the site is working 100%, I cannot take another chance on this site.

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