Ace Page Speedup (Utilities)

Ace Page Speedup analyzes every page of your site on the fly and finds new ways to make it load faster by enabling minification and
removing unnecessary things from the page source code. Combine this plugin with CDN like Cloudlfare and have your website to load in just a fraction of a second.

Ace Page Speedup will help you get better rating with most site monitoring tools like Pagespeed, GTMetrix, YSlow, etc. One of our test websites went from 39 (very bad)
all the way to 91 (very good) on GTMetrix right after enabling Ace Page Speedup plugin.

Ace Page Speedup will help you:
– Minify your output HTML code as required by Pagespeed, GTMetrix and others
– Minify inline CSS styles in HTML code
– Minify inline Javascript in HTML code
– Remove unnecessary WP Emoji resources completely and save about 3Kb on every page
– Remove Version Query String for static JS and CSS resources, which is recommended by Pagespeed and GTMetrix while helping to keep your wordpress site safe and secure
– Setup Leverage Browser Caching features
– Setup Headers Control mechanism to increase your page loading speed.

Download Ace Page Speedup (Utilities)

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