I own a domain, and I would like to restore the site to it’s most recent cached version from Archive.org, which was April 30, 2008. The cached version of the site is here: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://thediamondangle.com
(You’ll have to paste that entire URL into your browser’s address bar because clicking the link here doesn’t work properly. Also, archive.org occasionally times out, so if it doesn’t work the first time just try again)
When I say I want the site copied, I mean that I’d like the ENTIRE site copied, meaning ALL pages that are available, all images, etc. As much as possible, I want the entire site to look and behave exactly how it did on April 30, 2008.
When you copy the site, I’d like any changes that archive.org made to the site to be undone. For example, when Archive.org stores a web page, they add some of their own scripts and links into the code – I want any code that was added by Archive.org to be removed.
When you duplicate the archived version of TheDiamondAngle.com onto my own server, I’d also like you to add my Google Analytics code onto each page of the site (I’ll provide you with the code). I’ll also provide you with the login information for my server.
A few other comments:
– Please only bid on this project if you have PERFECT English.
– If you are aware of some way to access a version of TheDiamondAngle.com that was cached somewhere AFTER the April 30, 2008 version, that’s even better.