I want to buid a directory website like this :
please use phplinkdirectory script (or other open-source script as long as it is php script) for building the directory website.
My requirements
1. Website structure should looks like http://www.bpimb.com.my/ (right panel show Latest featured links and Latest articles )
2. Install the php script to my website ( hosting and domains are ready)and doing necessary modifaction and configuration.
3. MUST have the thumbnail feature like this :http://www.bpimb.com.my/index.php?list=latest
4. The directory scripts should be SEO friendly. (re-writing mode for file name instead of programming-code-file-name)
5. As a admin, i have the right to accept or reject the URL submitted or article submitted.
The winning bidder shall provide 1 year support to ensure bugs-free and minor modification .
I have low budget, please don’t quote me high as the job is quite straight forward (installation and minor modification) . IF the services provided are satisfying, I will have 5 more similiar directories website waiting for installation and modification.
if possible, show me the similiar job you have done before.