How to Create a Set of Superhero Emoji in Adobe Illustrator

Final product image
What You’ll Be Creating

Today we’re going to put our superhero capes on and hop into our secret
cave, where we’re going to observe and analyze each and every detail in order
to bring five of the most iconic crime fighters to life in a vector format. We’re
going to do all of this by relying on some basic geometric shapes combined with
the power of some simple-to-use tools in Adobe Illustrator.

Before we start, don’t forget that you can expand your project by heading over to GraphicRiver where you’ll find a great selection of superhero-themed vectors.

That being said, grab a cup of that crime-fighting juice and let’s get

1. How to Set Up a New Project File

Assuming you already have Illustrator up
and running in the background, bring it up and let’s set up a New Document (File > New or Control-N)
using the following settings:

  • Number
    of Artboards:
  • Width:
  • Height:
  • Units:

And from the Advanced tab:

  • Color
  • Raster
    Screen (72ppi)
  • Preview Mode: Default
setting up a new document

2. How to Set Up a Custom Grid

Since we’re going to be creating the icons
using a pixel-perfect workflow, we’ll want to set up a nice little Grid so that we can have full control
over our shapes.

Step 1

Go to the Edit > Preferences > Guides & Grid submenu, and adjust
the following settings:

  • Gridline
    1 px
  • Subdivisions: 1
setting up a custom grid

Quick tip: you can learn more
about grids by reading this in-depth piece on How Illustrator’s Grid System Works.

Step 2

Once we’ve set up our custom grid, all we
need to do in order to make sure our shapes look crisp is enable the Snap to Grid and Snap to Pixel option found under the View menu, which will transform into Snap to Pixel each time you enter the Pixel Preview mode (if you’re using an older version of the

Now, if you’re new to
the whole “pixel-perfect workflow”, I strongly recommend you go through my How
to Create Pixel-Perfect Artwork
tutorial, which will help you widen your
technical skills in no time.

3. How to Set Up the Layers

Once we’ve set up our document, it would
be a good idea to structure our project using a few layers, since this
way we can maintain a steady workflow by focusing on one icon at a time.

That being said, bring up the Layers panel, and create a total of six
layers, which we will rename as follows:

  • layer
    reference grids
  • layer
  • layer
  • layer
    baby groot
  • layer
    wonder woman
  • layer 6: luke cage
setting up the layers

4. How to Create the Reference Grids

reference grids (or base grids)
are a set of precisely delimited reference surfaces, which allow us to build
our icons by focusing on size and consistency.

Usually, the size of the grids determines
the size of the actual icons, and they should always be the first decision you
make once you start a new project, since you’ll always want to start from the
smallest possible size and build on that.

Now, in our case, we’re going to be creating
the icon pack using just one size, more exactly 128 x 128 px, which is a fairly large one.

Step 1

Start by locking all
but the “reference grids” layer, and then grab the Rectangle Tool (M) and create a 128 x 128 px orange (#F15A24) square, which will help define the
overall size of our icons.

creating the reference grids main shape

Step 2

Add a smaller 120 x 120 px one (#FFFFFF) which we
will position on top of the previous shape, since it will act as our active
drawing area, thus giving us an all-around 4
padding to work with.

creating the active drawing areas main shape

Step 3

Select and group the
two squares together using the Control-G
keyboard shortcut, center aligning them to the underlying Artboard
afterwards. Create the remaining grids using four copies (Control-C > Control-F) at a horizontal distance of 40 px from each other, locking
the current layer before moving on to the next section.

adding the remaining reference grids

5. How to Create the Batman Emoji

Assuming you’ve successfully managed to
create the little reference grids, move on to the next layer (that would be the
second one), and let’s kick off the project by creating the dark knight.

Step 1

Start by creating the
character’s head using a 120 x 120 px circle,
which we will color using #FFDA66, and then center align to the first active
drawing area.

creating the head for the batman emoji

Step 2

Create a copy (Control-C > Control-F) of the
circle, which we will adjust by first changing its color to #2B3249, and then
cutting out a smaller 104 x 104 px one
(highlighted with red) from its center using Pathfinder’s Minus Front
Shape Mode

creating the circular cutout for the mask of the batman emoji

Step 3

Start working on the
mask’s upper section by creating a 120 x
64 px
rectangle (#2B3249), which we will center align to the active drawing
area’s top edge as seen in the reference image.

creating the upper section for the mask of the batman emoji

Step 4

Adjust the shape that
we’ve just created by first turning on Pixel
mode (Alt-Control-Y) and
then adding two new anchor points at a distance of 14 px from the center of the rectangle’s bottom edge using the Add Anchor Point Tool (+).

adding the first set of anchor points to the upper section of the batman emoji mask

Step 5

Select the two anchor
points that we’ve just created using the Direct
Selection Tool (A)
, and then push them to the bottom by a distance of 12 px using the Move Tool (right click >
Transform > Move > Vertical > 12 px

pushing the outer anchors of the mask of the batman emoji to the bottom

Step 6

Add a second pair of
anchor points at a distance of just 2 px
from the resulting shape’s bottom edge, selecting and pushing them to the
bottom by a distance of 8 px (right click > Transform > Move >
Vertical > 8 px
). Once you’re done, turn off Pixel Preview mode (Alt-Control-Y)
and then move on to the next step.

adding the second pair of anchor points to the mask of the batman emoji

Step 7

Create the subtle
shadow cast by the mask, using two copies (Control-C > Control-F twice) of the shape that we’ve just
finished adjusting, making sure to push the one from underneath to the bottom
by a distance of 8 px (right click > Transform > Move >
Vertical > 8 px
). Use Pathfinder’s
Minus Front Shape Mode to cut out the
upper copy from the bottom one, as seen in the reference image.

creating the shadow for the mask of the batman emoji

Step 8

Color the resulting
shape using #E89A54, and then make sure you position it behind the mask’s
circular cutout by right clicking >
Arrange > Send to Back
. Once you’re done, select and group all three
shapes together using the Control-G
keyboard shortcut.

positioning the shadow underneath the mask of the batman emoji

Step 9

Mask the shapes that
we’ve just grouped using a copy (Control-C)
of the underlying yellow circle, which we will paste in front (Control-F) and then use as a Clipping Mask (right click > Make Clipping Mask).

masking the main shapes for the mask of the batman emoji

Step 10

Start working on Batman’s
left pointed ear, by creating a 40 x 120
ellipse (#2B3249), which we will adjust by selecting its bottom anchor
points using the Direct Selection Tool
and then removing it by pressing Delete.
Then, remove the shape’s right half, positioning the resulting ear onto the
active drawing area’s top-left corner, as seen in the reference image.

creating the left ear for the batman emoji

Step 11

Create the right ear
using a copy (Control-C > Control-F)
of the one we’ve just finished working on, which we will horizontally reflect (right click > Transform > Reflect
> Horizontal
) and then position onto the opposite side of the active
drawing area.

creating the right ear for the batman emoji

Step 12

Take a couple of moments
and draw the eyes with the help of the Pen
Tool (P)
, using white (#FFFFFF) as your main Fill color. Position the resulting shapes as seen in the reference
image, selecting and grouping (Control-G)
them together before moving on to the next step.

drawing the eyes for the batman emoji

Step 13

Create the mouth
using a 12 x 8 px rounded rectangle
(#2B3249) with a 4 px Corner Radius,
which we will position at a distance of 40
from the active drawing area’s right edge and 26 px from its bottom one.

adding the mouth to the batman emoji

Step 14

Finish off the emoji
by adding the rough beard using a couple of 2 x 2 px circles (#2B3249) spaced both horizontally and
vertically 2 px from one another.
Take your time, and once you’re done, select and group (Control-G) each side of the beard, doing the same for the entire
icon afterwards.

finishing off the batman emoji

6. How to Create the Jubilee Emoji

Assuming you’ve
finished working on the first superhero, lock its layer and then move on up to
the next one (that would be the third one), where we’ll start working on the pyrotechnic energy-blasting superhero.

Step 1

Create the character’s
head using a 120 x 120 px circle,
which we will color using #FFDA66 and then center align to our second active
drawing area.

creating the head for the jubilee emoji

Step 2

Create the upper section
of the hair using a 120 x 48 px rectangle
(#2B3249), which we will center align to the active drawing area’s top edge.

creating the main shape for the hair of the jubilee emoji

Step 3

Adjust the shape that
we’ve just created by adding three new anchor points 2 px from one another, which we
will position 24 px from
the larger shape’s right edge.

adding a set of anchor points to the hair of the jubilee emoji

Step 4

Select the center
anchor point that we’ve just added, and the push it to the top by 8 px using the Move tool (right click >
Transform > Move > Vertical > -8 px

adjusting the shape of the hair of the jubilee emoji

Step 5

Add the subtle shadow
following the same process used for the first character, coloring the
resulting shape using #E89A54.

adding the subtle shadow to the hair of the jubilee emoji

Step 6

Create the hair’s
side sections using two 8 x 72 px rectangles,
which we will color using #2B3249 and then bottom align to the active drawing
area’s side edges.

adding the side hair sections for the jubilee emoji

Step 7

Select and group (Control-G) all of the hair’s composing shapes, masking (right click > Make Clipping Mask) them afterwards using a copy (Control-C > Control-F) of the
underlying circle.

masking the hair of the jubilee emoji

Step 8

Create the back
section of Jubilee’s hair, using a 96 x
12 px
rectangle (#2B3249), which we will position 16 px from the active drawing area’s
bottom edge, making sure to send it to the back of all the other shapes (right click > Arrange > Send to Back).

adding the back hair section to the jubilee emoji

Step 9

Start working on the
hair’s front-side
section, by creating an 8 x 44 px rectangle
(#2B3249), which we will position as seen in the reference image.

creating the left front hair section of the jubilee emoji

Step 10

Add another 8 x 16 px rectangle (#2B3249), which we
will adjust by selecting and removing its top-right anchor point. Position the
resulting shape onto the right side of the previous shape, at a distance of 16 px from its bottom edge, making sure
to group (Control-G) the two together

adding the diagonal hair section to the jubilee emoji

Step 11

Create the right section
of the character’s front hair using a copy (Control-C
> Control-F
) of the shapes that we’ve just grouped, which we will
vertically reflect (right click >
Transform > Reflect > Vertical
) and then position onto the opposite
side of the active drawing area.

adding the right hair section to the jubilee emoji

Step 12

Start working on the
left eye by creating a 20 x 12 px rectangle
(#FFFFFF), which we will position underneath the shadow, at a distance of 22 px from the left hair section.

adding the main shape for the left eye to the jubilee emoji

Step 13

Adjust the shape that
we’ve just created by setting the Radius
of its top-left corner to 4 px, its
top-right one to 12 px and its
bottom-left one to 8 px from within
the Transform panel’s Rectangle Properties.

adjusting the shape of the left eye for the jubilee emoji

Step 14

Add an 8 x 8 px circle (#2B3249) to the center
of the resulting shape, followed by a smaller 4 x 4 px one (#FFFFFF) which we will align to its top-right corner.
Once you’re done, select and group all three shapes together using the Control-G keyboard shortcut.

adding details to the left eye of the jubilee emoji

Step 15

Create the right eye
using a copy (Control-C > Control-F)
of the one that we’ve just finished working on, which we will vertically
reflect (right click > Transform >
Reflect > Vertical
) and then position onto the opposite side of the
head. Once you’re done, select and group (Control-G)
both eyes together before moving on to the next step.

adding the right eye to the jubilee emoji

Step 16

Start working on the
mouth by creating the character’s lips using a 20 x 12 px ellipse (#F97F55) which we will adjust by pinching its
side anchor points using the Anchor
Point Tool (Shift-C)
. Once you’re done, center align the resulting shape to
the larger underlying circle, positioning it at a distance of 12 px from the eyes.

adding the lips to the jubilee emoji

Step 17

Add the mouth using an 8 x 4 px ellipse (#2B3249), which we
will center align to the shape from the previous step.

adding the mouth to the jubilee emoji

Step 18

Add the visible section
of the teeth, using an 8 x 2 px rectangle
(#FFFFFF), which we will center align to the mouth’s top edge, masking (right click > Make Clipping Mask) it
afterwards using a copy (Control-C >
) of the underlying shape. Once you’re done, select and group (Control-G) all of the mouth’s composing
sections, before moving on to the next step.

adding the teeth to the jubilee emoji

Step 19

Create the blush spots
using two 16 x 12 px ellipses
(#FFB266), which we will position at a distance of 4 px from the character’s eyes and 12 px from its hair’s side sections. Once you’re done, select and
group (Control-G) all of the shapes
that we’ve created so far, before moving on to the next step.

adding the blush spots to the jubilee emoji

Step 20

Start working on the
glasses by creating the upper section of the frame using a 104 x 8 px rectangle (#BDC9E5), which we will adjust by setting the
Radius of its top corners to 4 px. Center align the resulting shape
to the underlying active drawing area, positioning it at a distance of 4 px from its top edge.

creating the upper section of the glasses for the jubilee emoji

Step 21

Create the lens section
using a 104 x 28 px rectangle
(#F97F55), which we will adjust by setting the Radius of its bottom corners to 8 px, positioning the resulting shape below the frame.

creating the lower section of the glasses for the jubilee emoji

Step 22

Adjust the shape by
adding a pair of new anchor points at a distance of 4 px from its center, followed by another one at a distance of 12 px. Once you have the anchors in
place, select the middle pair and push it to the top by 12 px (right click > Transform > Move > Vertical > -12 px).

adjusting the shape of the glasses for the jubilee emoji

Step 23

Start working on the
highlight by creating the first pair using a 4 x 20 px rectangle (#FFFFFF) followed by a narrower 2 x 20 px one (#FFFFFF) positioned just 2 px from the wider one. Adjust
the shapes by selecting and pushing their bottom anchor points to the left by 8 px (right click Transform > Move > Horizontal > -8 px), grouping (Control-G) and positioning the
resulting shapes as seen in the reference image.

adding the first set of highlights to the glasses of the jubilee emoji

Step 24

Finish off the glasses, and with them the emoji itself, by adding the second pair of highlights using a
copy (Control-C > Control-F) of
the ones that we’ve just finished working on, which we will position onto the opposite
side. Once you’re done, select and group (Control-G)
all of the glasses’ composing shapes, doing the same for all of the character’s
composing sections before moving on to the next one.

finishing off the jubilee emoji

7. How to Create the Baby Groot Emoji

Assuming you’ve
finished working on the second emoji, lock its layer and then move on up to the
next one (that would be the fourth one), where we’ll create cute little Baby Groot.

Step 1

Start working on the
character’s head by creating its lower section using a 120 x 92 px rectangle (#B5725B), which we will adjust by setting
the Radius of its bottom corners to 60 px. Once you’re done, center align
the resulting shape to the active drawing area’s bottom edge.

creating the lower head section for the baby groot emoji

Step 2

Create the head’s
upper section using a couple of varying width and height rectangles (#B5725B),
which we will adjust by setting the Radius
of some of their upper corners to 4 px.
Once you’re done, select and group (Control-G)
all of the head’s composing shapes, before moving on to the next step.

creating the upper head section for the baby groot emoji

Step 3

Take a couple of
moments and add the grass sections, using #B6D65F as your main Fill color, moving on to the next step once
you’re done.

adding the grass sections to the baby groot emoji

Step 4

Give the character some
texture, by adding a couple of rounded rectangles (#82453B) with a 1 px Corner Radius, which we will
position as seen in the reference image. Once you’re done, make sure you select
and group (Control-G) all of them
together, doing the same for all the head’s composing sections as well.

adding the texture lines to the baby groot emoji

Step 5

Start working on Groot’s
eyes, by creating the main shape for its left one using a 16 x 16 px circle (#2B3249), which we will position at a distance
of 32 px from the active drawing
area’s left edge and 40 px from its
bottom one.

creating the left eye for the baby groot emoji

Step 6

Create a slightly wider
24 x 12 px ellipse (#B5725B), which
we will position onto the lower section of the previously created, making sure
to mask it afterwards using a copy (Control-C
> Control-F
) of the smaller circle (right
click > Make Clipping Mask

adding the left lower eye section to the baby groot emoji

Step 7

Add the little highlight
using a 4 x 4 px circle (#FFFFFF),
which we will position at a distance of 4
from the eye’s top and right edges. Once you’re done, select and group (Control-G) all three shapes together
before moving on to the next step.

adding the left eye highlight to the baby groot emoji

Step 8

Create the right eye
using a copy (Control-C > Control-F)
of the one that we’ve just finished working on, which we will position onto the
opposite side of the head, making sure to select and group (Control-G) the two together once you’re

adding the right eye to the baby groot emoji

Step 9

Add the character’s
mouth using an 8 x 8 px circle,
which we will color using #2B3249 and then position at a distance of 40 px from the active drawing area’s
right edge and 28 px from its bottom

creating the mouth for the baby groot emoji

Step 10

Move a few pixels down
and add the blush spots using two 16 x
12 px
ellipses (#A0604E), which we will position at a distance of 32 px from the active drawing area’s
bottom edge and 16 px from its side

adding the blush spots to the baby groot emoji

Step 11

Create the left eyebrow,
using two 4 x 4 px circles (#82453B),
horizontally spaced 12 px from
one another. Push the right circle to the top by a distance of just 2 px (right click > Transform > Move > Vertical > -2 px), and
then connect the two using a diagonal rectangle, making sure to group (Control-G) and position the shapes as
seen in the reference image.

adding the left eyebrow to the baby groot emoji

Step 12

Finish off Groot, by
adding the right eyebrow using a copy of the one that we’ve just created,
which we will vertically reflect (right
click > Transform > Reflect > Vertical
) and then position onto
the opposite side of the head. Once you’re done, group (Control-G) the two together, doing the same for all of the emoji’s
composing sections, before moving on to the next one.

finishing off the baby groot emoji

8. How to Create the Wonder Woman Emoji

Make sure you’ve
locked the previous layer, and then move on up to the next one (that would be
the fifth one) where we will start working on the Amazonian goddess.

Step 1

As we did with all the
other ones, start by creating the character’s head using a 120 x 120 px circle, which we will color using #FFDA66 and then center
align to our second active drawing area.

creating the head for the wonder woman emoji

Step 2

Start working on the
hair by creating a 120 x 120 px square
(#2B3249), from the bottom of which we will cut out a smaller 88 x 72 px rectangle (highlighted with
red) using Pathfinder’s Minus Front Shape Mode.

creating the hair section for the wonder woman emoji

Step 3

Mask the resulting shape
using a copy (Control-C) of the
underlying circle, which we will paste in front (Control-F) and then use as a Clipping
(right click > Make Clipping

masking the hair for the wonder woman emoji

Step 4

Start working on the
hair’s side sections by creating the main shape for its left one using a 16 x 40 px rectangle (#2B3249), which
we will align to the active drawing area’s left edge, positioning it at a
distance of 20 px from its bottom

creating the left hair section for the wonder woman emoji

Step 5

Next, we’re going to
go a little off the grid, by creating the curled section using a 32 x 32 px circle (#2B3249), which we
will adjust by cutting out another 32 x
32 px
one (highlighted with red) from its top-left section. Once you’re
done, position the resulting shape as seen in the reference image, selecting
and grouping (Control-G) it and the
previously created rectangle together.

adding the left curl to the hair of the wonder woman emoji

Step 6

Create the right hair
section using a copy (Control-C >
) of the one that we’ve just finished working on, which we will
vertically reflect (right click >
Transform > Reflect > Vertical
) and then position onto the opposite
side of the head.

adding the right hair curl to the wonder woman emoji

Step 7

Next, grab the Pen Tool (P) and draw the iconic crown,
using #FFB266 as your main Fill
color. Use the reference image as your main guide, moving on to the next step
once you’re done.

drawing the crown for the wonder woman emoji

Step 8

Give the resulting shape
a pair of vertical highlights using a 4
x 36 px
rectangle (#FFFFFF) positioned 2 px away horizontally from a narrower 2
x 36 px
one (#FFFFFF), which we will group (Control-G) and then position at a distance of 20 px from the crown’s right edge. Once you’re done, mask the
highlights and then move on to the next step.

adding the highlights to the crown of the wonder woman emoji

Step 9

Quickly draw the star
using #F97F55 as your main Fill color,
selecting and grouping all of the crown’s composing shapes afterwards using the
Control-G keyboard shortcut.

adding the star to the crown of the wonder woman emoji

Step 10

As we did with all the
other characters, add the subtle shadow (#E89A54), making sure to position it
behind the hair’s side sections (right click
> Arrange > Send Backward
). Once you’re done, select and group all of
the current shapes together using the Control-G
keyboard shortcut.

adding the subtle shadow to the crown of the wonder woman emoji

Step 11

Start working on the
eyes, by creating the main shape for the left one using a 20 x 12 px ellipse (#FFFFFF), which we will adjust by pinching its
side anchor points using the Anchor
Point Tool (Shift-C)
. Position the resulting shape underneath the crown’s shadow,
at a distance of 14 px from the left
hair section.

creating the left eye for the wonder woman emoji

Step 12

Continue adjusting
the eye, by selecting its top anchor point using the Direct Selection Tool (A), and then pushing it to the left by 2 px (right click > Transform > Move >
Horizontal > -2 px

adjusting the shape of the left eye for the wonder woman emoji

Step 13

Add the eye’s
remaining details using an 8 x 8 px circle
(#2B3249) which we will position in the center of the resulting shape, followed
by a smaller 4 x 4 px one (#FFFFFF)
in its top-right corner. Once you’re done, select and group (Control-G) all three shapes together,
before moving on to the next step.

adding details to the left eye of the wonder woman emoji

Step 14

Create the right eye
using a copy (Control-C > Control-F)
of the one that we’ve just finished working on, which we will vertically
reflect (right click > Transform >
Reflect > Vertical
) and then position onto the opposite side of the
head. Once you have the copy in place, select both it and the original and
group them together using the Control-G
keyboard shortcut.

adding the right eye to the wonder woman emoji

Step 15

Start working on the
mouth by creating a 20 x 16 px ellipse
(#2B3249), which we will center align to the larger underlying circle,
positioning it at a distance of 8 px from
the character’s eyes.

creating the mouth for the wonder woman emoji

Step 16

Add the teeth using a
20 x 6 px rectangle (#FFFFFF), and
the tongue using a 20 x 12 px ellipse
(#F97F55), which we will position as seen in the reference image, making sure
to group (Control-G) and mask them
afterwards. Once you’re done, select and group (Control-G) all of the mouth’s composing shapes before moving on to
the next step.

adding the teeth and tongue to the wonder woman emoji

Step 17

Finish off the emoji,
by adding the blush spots using two 16 x
12 px
ellipses (#FFB266), which we will position as seen in the reference
image. Take your time, and once you’re done, select and group (Control-G) the two together, doing the
same for the entire character afterwards.

finishing off the wonder woman emoji

9. How to Create
the Luke Cage Emoji

We are now down
to our fifth and last superhero, which is one of my all-time favorite Marvel characters.
That being said, take a quick sip of that second coffee, and let’s
jump into it!

Step 1

Start by creating the
character’s head using a 120 x 120 px circle,
which we will color using #B5725B and then center align to the last active
drawing area.

creating the head for the luke cage emoji

Step 2

Add the hair section
using a 96 x 24 px rectangle (#2B3249),
which we will center align to the circle’s top edge and then adjust by setting
the Radius of its top corners to 8 px.

adding the hair to the luke cage emoji

Step 3

Grab the Pen Tool (P) and draw Luke’s headband
using #BDC9E5 as your Fill color. 

drawing the headband for the luke cage emoji

Step 4

As we did with Wonder
Woman, give the band a set of vertical highlights (#FFFFFF) followed by the
subtle shadow (#8E5042), making sure to group (Control-G) and mask the shapes afterwards. Once you’re done, select
and group (Control-G) all of the
other composing sections as well.

adding the highlights and shadow to the luke cage emoji

Step 5

Start working on the
eyes by creating the main shape for the left one using a 16 x 16 px circle (#FFFFFF), which we will position at a distance
of 32 px from the active drawing
area’s left edge and 4 px from the
band’s shadow.

adding the main shape for the left eye to the luke cage emoji

Step 6

Create the pupil using
an 8 x 8 px circle (#2B3249), onto
the top-right corner of which we will add a 4 x 4 px circular highlight (#FFFFFF).

adding details to the left eye of the luke cage emoji

Step 7

Create the eyelid
using a 24 x 12 px ellipse (#B5725B),
which we will position on the upper section of the eye so that its bottom
half overlaps it. Mask the shape (right
click > Make Clipping Mask
) using a copy (Control-C > Control-F) of the underlying circle, selecting and
grouping all of the eye’s composing shapes together before moving on to the
next step.

adding the left eyelid to the luke cage emoji

Step 8

Create the right eye using
a copy (Control-C > Control-F) of
the one that we’ve just finished working on, which we will position on the
opposite side of the head. Once you have the copy in place, select both it and
the original and group them together using the Control-G keyboard shortcut.

adding the right eye to the luke cage emoji

Step 9

Create the beard using a
36 x 40 px rectangle (#2B3249),
which we will adjust by setting the Radius
of its top corners to 12 px and
its bottom ones to 18 px. Once you’re done, center
align the resulting shape to the underlying head, positioning it at a distance
of 6 px from its bottom edge.

adding the beard to the luke cage emoji

Step 10

Add the mouth cutout
using a 28 x 16 px rounded rectangle
(#B5725B) with an 8 px Corner Radius,
which we will center align to the beard, positioning it at a distance of 8 px from its top edge.

adding the beard cutout to the luke cage emoji

Step 11

Create the actual mouth
using a 12 x 8 px rounded rectangle
(#2B3249) with a 4 px Corner Radius,
which we will center align to the cutout, positioning it at a distance of 4 px from its right edge.

adding the mouth to the luke cage emoji

Step 12

Give the beard a small
inner facing segment using a 12 x 2 px rectangle
(#2B3249) which we will adjust by individually selecting and pushing its top
anchor points to the inside by a distance of 2 px (right click > Transform > Move > Horizontal > +
/ – 2 px
depending on which side you start with). Position the resulting shape to
the center of the cutout’s bottom edge, selecting and grouping (Control-G) all of the mouth’s composing
shapes before moving on to the next step.

adding the little beard segment to the luke cage emoji

Step 13

Finish off the
character and with it the project itself, by adding the rough beard using a
couple of 2 x 2 px circles (#2B3249)
distanced both horizontally and vertically at 2 px from one another. Take your time, and once you’re done, select
and group (Control-G) each side of
the beard, doing the same for the entire icon afterwards.

finishing off the luke cage emoji


Great job! As always, I
hope you’ve managed to keep up with each and every step, and maybe learned a
trick or two along the way.

finished project preview

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