Abandonment is an e-commerce term used to describe a visitor on a web page who leaves that page before completing the desired action. The Abandoned Cart sends an email invitation to customers who have added an item to their cart but left before completing checkout. The emails are customizable and can be combined with coupon codes to entice your customer to continue shopping.
Main Features:
- Send Discount Coupon for Abandoned Carts.
- Create Unlimited Email Templates
- SendGrid API Integrated for fast bulk mailing.
- Well Managed abandoned Cart history
- Auto Generate Coupons for each customer / Guest.
- Well Maintain Coupon histories.
- Multi Language Compatible.
- Multi Stores Compatible.
- Multi Currency Compatible.
- Cron job feature for scheduled email task.
- Powerful admin-panel.
- Easy Installation and setup.
- Uses OpenCart’s built-in module system (no core files are overwritten).
- Excellent & Best Support.
Supported OpenCart Versions:
All 2.0x,2.1x,2.2x,2.3.x and 3x versions
Latest Extension Versions:
1.0 version
Live Demo:
You can try out Abandoned Cart without having to install.
Store Front: http://www.extensionsbazaar.com/demo/abandonedcarts/
Admin Login: http://www.extensionsbazaar.com/demo/abandonedcarts/admin/index.php?route=extension/module/recover_carts
Username: demo
Password: demo
Support and Suggestion
Email: [email protected]