Joomla/virtuamart Developer Required

I am looking for a developer to create a template based on my design for a client of mine.

I can explain what I am looking for:

1) top banner will be jquery slide show, some slides may link to other pages

2) quick search – will be jquery based, allowing user to filter to the product they want

3) events will be jquery slide show with maybe 1 or 2 events at a time

4) special offers, will again be slide show where the admin will select special offers, and some will be displayed here

Normal content page

Normal Virtuamart Category display page

The filter will be jquery – so each attribute has a dropdown as shown in the design.

1) User will be able to choose product colour and size before adding to basket
2) User can click on thumbnail to enlarge image, and then on enlarged image, be able to zoom on the image
3) Admin will be able to assign colours attritbute to the item from backend. On front end, user clicks on colour thumbnail and it will open the image colour version in place of default image

1) admin will be select which items will go here, and then they will display
2) If item is on special offer, there will be an additional description below the description – e.g. “20% off” or “buy 1 get one half price” which will be added to the product in the backend

Please PM if any questions.


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