Need WordPress And Wp-ecommerc 2

We are doing a web store utilizing WordPress and WP E-commerce to do so. The client already has an existing wordpress website. We are simply adding the e-commerce functionality to it. Here is what we need to do:

1. Implement a drop down menu in the site’s header navigation. The drop down menu will automatically populate based on the categories that have been set up in WP E-commerce

2. Implement Wp e-commerce into the client’s website so that it looks seamless.

3. Implement a very specific layout of the product page. Client has provided a sample website that we are to mimic. This should simply involve changing the product page template.

4. This one is major. On successful payment, the client wishes to have the fedex shipping label for the order automatically generated and emailed to her in the order confirmation. She has a fedex account set up, so you will need to utilize their API to achieve this. Prior experience with this part of the fedex api would be helpful.

5. A few small, random WP design changes

Please provide your quotes here, as well as a reasonable timeline when you expect to have this completed. I pay well when the work done is good and timely. I expect work to begin immediately on the project, with updates daily as to the progress.

Please PMB me with any questions you may have. As well, if you can provide solid reasons why you would be the best choice for this project, please let me know.

Thank you.

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