Twitter Oauth & Website 2

Phase I

Please read the whole thing before bidding. the front end AND back end NEED GOOD use of jquery & json.

1. A website where users sign in using twitter oAuth, & the system should be able to fetch user info such as follower count and following count and other info.
2. gives user the power to choose from a list of messages (simple click, tweet goes via API)

3. And an interface where they can add more info about themself, name age location, bio/ other social networks URLs… [option to add more options in the future]
4. Provides users to have their own user page,, where twitter and other info will be displayed,
5. On their page they can see the list of messages thy have tweeted,

1. Has the functionality of seeing user list,/ ban control/ delete user.
2. Has the ability to add/ edit/ delete/ enable/ disable messages, which will be shown to users.
3. Other admin finctions….

The Site should be user friendly, Valid xHTML, PHP5 OOP, A template system is a must.

i dont expect you to write something from scratch, you can use from a dozen of open source scripts available online, as long as i dont infringe copyright.

I am a coder myself, so i know the amount of work required,
I need this fast, bids more than $150 will be ignored.

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