How to Create a Nintendo Switch in Adobe Illustrator

Final product image
What You’ll Be Creating

Learn how to create the new Nintendo Switch using basic shapes and tools in Adobe Illustrator. We’re going to have fun!

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1. How to Create a New Document

Press Control-N to make a New Document. Set the Units to Pixels, and enter 800 x 600 for the Width and Height of the document. Then in the Advanced options, select RGBScreen (72 ppi), and make sure to Uncheck the Align New Objects to Pixel Grid box before clicking OK.

Go to the Preferences (Control-K) and enter 1 px for the Keyboard increment. Press OK.

You can activate the Info panel (Window > Info) in order to have a preview of the size and position of your shapes. Remember to set the measuring unit to Pixels from Edit > Preferences > Units. This will greatly increase the speed of your work.

Set up New Document

2. How to Create a Nintendo Switch

Now we will start to create the body and basic components of the Nintendo.

Step 1

For the body, create a 366 x 220 px rectangle with the Rectangle Tool (M) and use #4D4D4D as the Fill color. Set Inverted Round corners with a 10 px Radius from the Transform panel.

Add the controls using two 77 x 220 px rectangles; use #4CC6E8 as the Fill color for one of them and #E84C53 for the other one. Then round the corners using Live Corners with the Direct Selection Tool (A).

Creating the body of the Nintendo

Step 2

We will be working on the screen for now, so create a 345 x 205 px rectangle (#1A1A1A) and round its corners slightly with the Direct Selection Tool (A)

Make a Copy (Control-C followed by Control-F) and apply a -1 px offset (Effect > Path > Offset Path…). Change the Fill color to #333333. Then draw two small rounded rectangles, use the Rounded Rectangle Tool at the bottom of the last copy and apply Minus Front using the Pathfinder panel.

Aplying rounded screen inner

Step 3

Now, add a 300 x 175 px rectangle (#1A1A1A). Then add two rectangles (#FFFFFF) and Rotate them 45° using the Rotate Tool (R).

Set the Opacity to 10% using the menu from the top bar. With the Shape Builder Tool (Shift-M), cut the remaining forms by selecting them together with the internal rounded rectangle.

Adding highlights on the screen

Step 4

Now let’s draw some shadows and lighting for the controls. Let’s start with the left joy-con. Duplicate twice (Control-C > Control-F) and move the last copy 5 px upwards using the arrow key on your keyboard.

Apply Minus Front using the Pathfinder panel and selecting the previous copy. Change the color of the remaining form to #2CB8DE.

Adding some shadows on the left joy-con

Step 5

Duplicate the left joy-con twice again (Control-C > Control-F), and this time move the last copy 5 px downwards.

Apply Minus Front with the previous copy using the Pathfinder panel, and change the Fill color to #6FD2ED.

A highlight bezel on the left control

Step 6

Now repeat the same procedure from steps 4-5 for the right joy-con. For the lower shadow, use #D93B42 as the Fill color, and for the upper bezel use #E85D63.

Repeating steps 4-5 in the right joy-con

Step 7

Now take the form of the left joy-con again and make a copy (Control-C > Control-F). Remove the Fill color and set #333333 as Fill Stroke with a 5 px thickness.

Adding a button in the controls

Step 8

Enter Isolate Mode by Double-clicking the form. Now take the Pen Tool (P) and add two nodes at the top, and then remove the rest of the nodes, leaving an arch.

Set the ends of the Stroke as Round Cap using the Stroke panel.

Using the Pen Tool for the new button

Step 9

Press Escape to exit Isolate Mode. Duplicate the stroke (Control-C > Control-F) (#ACD4A3) and reflect it vertically (right click > Transform > Reflect). Place the copy on the other joy-con.

Place both strokes under the joy-cons (Object > Arrange > Send to Back).

Placing the buttons

Step 10

Now add a button on the console by creating a 32 x 3 px rectangle (#1A1A1A). Draw two small rectangles (#333333) and two smaller rectangles (#666666) on it with the Rectangle Tool (M), as shown in the image below.

Group everything together (Control-G) and place it over the Nintendo.

Adding a new button on the screen

Step 11 

Now let’s start by drawing the joy-con’s buttons. For the joystick, create a 40 x 40 px ellipse (#1A1A1A) with the Ellipse Tool (L), and add another one of 38 x 38 px (#333333).

Afterwards, Duplicate the last ellipse twice (Control-C followed by Control-F) and move the last copy 4 px downwards. Then apply Minus Front to the previous copy using the Pathfinder panel. Change the Fill color to #4D4D4D.

Creating joy-cons buttons

Step 12

Select the inner ellipse, Duplicate it twice (Control-C > Control-F) and move down the last copy by 15 px. Apply Minus Front from the Pathfinder panel and use #363636 as the Fill color.

Now create a 30 x 30 px ellipse using #1A1A1A as the Fill and Stroke and selecting a thickness of 1 px. Place it in the center of the button, and then draw a line on each vertex with the Pen Tool (P).

Finally, create a 40 x 40 px ellipse (#000000) with 20% Opacity and place it at the bottom of the button (Control-[).

Adding a joystick with ellipses

Step 13

Group the whole button together (Control-G) and Duplicate it (Control-C > Control-F). Place both buttons as shown in the picture above.

Placeing the joystics

Step 14

Now draw the directional buttons. For this, create a 17 x 17 px ellipse (#333333). Then Duplicate it a couple of times (Control-C followed by Control-F) and move down the last copy 3 px. Afterwards, apply Minus Front with the previous copy using the Pathfinder panel.

Change the Fill color to #4D4D4D. Add a 17 x 17 px ellipse (#000000) with 20% Opacity and place it at the bottom of the button (Control-[)

Adding directional buttons

Step 15

Group the button (Control-G) and Duplicate it three times (Control-C > Control-F). Place them together, forming the shape of a cross. Group everything one more time (Control-G).

Now draw a triangle (#4D4D4D) with the Polygon Tool and Duplicate it (#000000) (Control-C > Control-F), moving it 1 px upwards. 

Group the buttons

Step 16

Draw three triangles in the rest of the directions and repeat the same procedure as in the previous step. And place the buttons on the left joy-con.

Adding triangles for the directionals buttons

Step 17

Take the copies of the buttons that we set apart earlier and add over them the letters X, Y, A and B using the Type Tool (T), and then set the Fill color to #ABABAB. Place the buttons on the left joy-con.

You can use any Sans Serif font that you like.

Adding letters for the buttons

Step 18

We are going to create two small buttons. To do this, create a 12 x 4 px rectangle (#333333), Duplicate it (#000000), set the Opacity to 20%, send it backwards (Control-[), and move it downwards by 1 px.

Afterwards, create a 12 x 1 px rectangle (#4D4D4D) at the top. Group the button (Control-G) and Duplicate it (Control-C > Control-F). 

Add a 4 x 12 px rectangle ( #333333 ) and a 4 x 1 px rectangle ( #4D4D4D ). Then, add a 4 x 12 px rectangle (#000000) with 20% Opacity and place it at the back (Control-[) Group the second button (Control-G) and position it as shown in the image below.

Details in the small buttons

Step 19

Copy one of the directional buttons and add a 12 x 12 px ellipse using #707070 as the Fill Stroke. Then, take the Star Tool and draw a five-corner star and use #000000 as the Stroke color. Group the button together (Control-G) and place it on the right joy-con.

Adding Star button in the Nintendo

Step 20

Add another button on the left joy-con using a 12 x 12 px rounded rectangle (#333333) and set its radius to 1 px. Then Duplicate it twice (Control-C followed by Control-F) and move the last copy down by 1 px. Afterwards, apply Minus Front with the previous copy using the Pathfinder panel.

Use #4D4D4D as the Fill color. Duplicate it (Control-F), send to the back (Control-[) and move it 1 px downwards. Change the Fill color to #000000 and set the Opacity to 20%.

Finally, add a 7 x 7 px ellipse using #000000 as the Fill and Stroke. Group the button together and place it on the left joy-con.

Adding Screenshot button on the Nintendo

3. How to Create a Background and Add Details

Step 1

In this step, we will create a background using two 400 x 600 px rectangles using #E84C53 and #4CC6E8 as the Fill colors. Send them to the back of the canvas (Control-[) and place one of them on the left and the other on the right.

Placing a background

Step 2

Now add some points and crossings using the Rectangle Tool (M) and Ellipse Tool (L). Use #FFFFFF as the fill color. Lastly, add a shadow beneath the Nintendo using a 450 x 17 px ellipse (#000000) and set the Opacity to 10%.

Some details like stars and dots

Congratulations! You’re Finished!

And so we have finished this fun Nintendo Switch, and now I wish I had one in my hands. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and that you put into practice everything you learned. I’d like to see your results!

Nintendo Switch Illustration Adobe Illustrator Tutorial

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