I am looking for someone how is a professional graphic designer but is also good at writing. This job also entitles to know Joomla.
Project will consist of 2 parts.
Part 1:
I need 4 header pieces. Each header piece must be unique and creative. Each piece must explain what my site is about,how it works and why a person might want to join it. I would like you to use words, icons and graphic pictures to explain this.Maybe some screen shots of the different features of my site.
I will want to keep the graphic logo that is on the header piece as part of each new header piece. But I am open to new ideas and new graphics.
After the 4 graphics are completed I will need them to be installed into my site. I have a Joolma site so use of models are ok.
Install the graphics so they rotate after a selected amount of time.
The plugin you use will need to have lots of options for different types of displays. Fade in, fade out change speed of rotation.
Second part:
I need to implement a good tool tip plug in into my site.
It needs to be easy to add new tool tips in several different spots through out my site. Ease of use is a must. Being able to change the way the tool tip is displayed and look is a must.
I must be able to add tips on words, pics and icons through out the site.
There will be 2 uploaded files to look at. The first one will be the address of the site and a list of the different features I offer. The second will be of the header graphic I have now.