Adding News Articles To A WordPress Blog

I need someone to post 3 news articles a day to a WordPress blog.

The chosen person will need to set up about a dozen Google Alerts for the keywords I will give.

Each day he or she should select the three best news articles from the alerts and copy them into the blog.

Each article should have 3 hyperlinks in it:
1. A link to the source article.
2. A link to the website category which represents the subject of the article.
3. A link to the home page of the website or to some relevant inner page of the website which the blog is on.

Each article will also need an image placed in it. Usually this will be an image extracted from the original article, or one selected from the public domain that relates to the subject of the article.

This can be a very quick and easy daily task, but applicants should have the following skills:
1. Be familiar with the Admin area of WordPress and know how to post blog entries.
2. Have some basic image editing skills, such as cropping and re-sizing

Most likely this will be an on-going arrangement if the successful applicant proves to be reliable.

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