EMI Calculator with Percentage Calculator (WordPress)

??EMI Calculator

If you manage any website of Bank, Real Estate, Auto shop or something like this, you should use this PlugIn to let the visitor calculate expense just in your website without leaving it. If client enters Principal Amount, Interest Rate, and Period in months; then it will show EMI, Interest Amount, Total Amount.

Additional PlugIn

You will get an extra PlugIn with this without any extra fee, that is ‘Percentage Calculator’ Your clients will be able to calculate percentage of figures, if they want. Although it’s up to you that you will activate this PlugIn or not.

Why this PlugIn is special and different?

You can use any WordPress theme but this PlugIn will automatically match with your theme’s color, font, button. No one will be able to realize that you are using PlugIn.

Easy to use

No need to use any short-code or to edit settings! After activation of PlugIn, Simply Go to Appearance > Widgets, and drag ‘EMI Calculator’ or ‘Percentage Calculator’ to any widgetized area like sidebar or footer. If you use any Page Builder, then you can add inside page or post also.?

Download EMI Calculator with Percentage Calculator (WordPress)

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