The Best of the Business Blogs, July 2010

At the start of every month, we’ll be rounding up the best posts from the business network of blogs and directing you to them. Here’s the best of business in July, including articles fromthe NetsetterFreelanceSwitch and right here at WorkAwesome.

The Netsetter

50 Netsetters You Should Know About

There are thousands of people operating many sorts of online businesses around the world, but we couldn’t tell you about them all. So we’ve narrowed it down to fifty.

How to Choose a Domain Name That Works

One of the first things you need to do when launching a new web business is choose a domain name for your website. Having your own domain name gives you the ability to brand your business website and will help create a long-lasting asset for your business. The process of coming up with a domain name is fun and creative, and is also the first step in announcing your business to the whole world.

Site Review: Create an Ecommerce Store in 15 Minutes with Vendr

Vendr promises that, using its tools, you can have a store added to your existing website in less than fifteen minutes. It offers a store that will work with an existing website, without requiring a knowledge of HTML or CSS. But does it deliver?

13 Ways to Better Monetize Your Blog Posts

Making money by blogging is difficult, but it isn’t impossible. If you do what successful bloggers did, work hard and give it the time it takes, there’s no reason why your blog shouldn’t make money. Here are the 13 keys to making money from your blog, according to me.

Why Outsource?

When it comes to owning a successful small business, one of the hardest things proprietors face is dealing with all work that comes with wearing all the hats. As a sole proprietor or even in a partnership, it can be very difficult for business owners to relinquish any control, especially to someone they have never met.


The Complete Guide to Going Paperless

There are a lot of reasons to go paperless – other than being able to label yourself as an “environmental crusader.” Abhijeet Mukherjee outlines not only why you should go paper-free, but what tools and tricks you’ll need to get there.

Managing Your Personal Brand Online

While putting your best foot forward in the real world is still a great thing to keep in practice, your online persona needs to be managed with the same kind of care and due diligence. This article by Georgiana Cohen is chock full of tips to make sure you’re as well-groomed online as you are offline.

4 Simple Steps for Letting Go of Stress

Sarah Nagel offers some helpful ideas on how to step back and relax during the hustle and bustle of our busy lives. With just 4 simple steps you can go from “ticking stress bomb” to “pure inner calm” in no time.

Music at Work: Necessity or Nuisance?

Music is a great motivator for some and a massive hindrance for others, while some can just take it or leave it. Sara Hodon explores the “ifs and whens” of the music-productivity partnership.

Inspirational Quotes for Work

There are plenty of ways to get motivated – or inspired – and while music is what does it for some, others find that words of wisdom and insight does the trick for them. Bob Bessette shares some of his favorite inspirational quotations and how each has impacted his life.


Permalancing: Full Time Freelancing

A growing trend for some companies is to hire freelancers for a full 40 hours (or occasionally more) per week. These freelancers have to show up to the office on time, handle whatever work is on the agenda, work on an indefinite basis and generally act like employees.

What is Your Ideal Client Profile?

The ideal client profile is simply a very clear description of the type of client you would love to have more of. It may be an exact replica of a client you’re working with today. Or it could be a combination of qualities you’ve seen in past and current clients.

The Swiss Cheese Method of Project Scheduling

One of the things that comes along with the freelance life, especially early in the game, is a “feast or famine” cycle, both in terms of revenue, and in terms of time. Sometimes you are scrambling to keep up with your work, pulling all-nighters to keep several projects on track. Two weeks later you have little to keep you busy.

6 Personal Productivity Tools Guaranteed to Up Your Game

We at FreelanceSwitch have offered many tips to increase your productivity, but these tips can only take you so far. Sometimes you just need a good tool or two to keep you on the right track. Here are some personal productivity tools guaranteed to enhance your performance.

You Know You’re a Freelancer When…

Here’s a celebration of all the ways we are uniquely freelancers… set apart from our cubicle counterparts, yet aware that we are perhaps still not so different. Or are we? Enjoy!

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