Sitemap Generator

I’d like someone to write me a php script that creates a google sitemap when it is hit.

This is to be based on an http request to whichever url is specified in the script’s configuration and it must use http requests to spider and generate the sitemap.

I don’t want to use either the filesystem or a database – just urls.

All the general options should be configurable in the configuration section of the script including the ability to block certain directories / mimetypes etc.

Ideally it would also generate an html sitemap as well, however if that’s just easier for me to call this script from another and apply xsl to it however I like then I’ll probably do that. Maybe someone can advise me on this…

Basically I just want to be able to change the config section, drop it in a website and have it create a sitemap when it is called.
Might also be useful to have a check so that ip addresses can be banned or can be prevented spidering more than once every 24 hours.


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