Club Sign In Program

A Running Club (outdoors) has about 2,000 members who currently sign in on clipboards, and data is tallied on the attached spreadsheet after each meeting.

We would like to create a program for a laptop (with no internet access) where users would scan their bar code key card, or manually type their name into the program to sign in. Also an admin panel would be able add new members, edit current members, display runners with 10 or 25 runs that week, run the same functions as the spreadsheet, and override other functions. We also need some kind of easy backup feature in case the laptop dies!

We would provide the basic design theme for the interface.

Here is how the system CURRENTLY WORKS…

There are seven tabs included on the spreadsheet
1. Runner Data
2. Sign In Sheet
3. Sign In 25+
4. Stats
5. FGF Inv In-stock
6. FGF Inv Needed
7. To Be Shirted

You will need to worry about the first 4 tabs only. The following details out the process of updating the database each week:
1. Update the “Runner Data” tab with the sign-in sheets; each runner signs in next to their name and the number of runs will (obviously) be increased by one, if the runner signed in for that week’s run. You should be keeping a tally of the runners who were there that week as you’re updating the spreadsheet. I would go through the list and when I updated a runner’s runs, I would check that person off on the sign-in sheet, then make a tally mark on a separate sheet of paper, so I could accurately determine the attendance for that week’s run. After one sign-in sheet has been review and processed, please pay careful attention to the runners and their runs as some people may be signed in on more than one sheet (they could have signed in themselves, then a friend could have signed them in too…it happens all the time).
2.Once the sign-in sheets have been processed and the runners’ runs updated on the database, you’ll need to add the new runners’ information from the waivers. To do this, simply insert another line at the bottom of the “Sign-In Sheet” and update it with “1” run and the date for that week. From there you can copy and paste the lines to enter in all the new runners’ information. The new runners will be counted in the attendance for that week. The information to fill out will be their name (last then first), their shirt size (F/S = Female Small, M/L = Male/Large, etc.) and their zip code.
3. Once all the new runners have been added, highlight ALL the names on the database and then sort the data by “Column A, then by Column B” with an order of “A to Z” – be sure not to include the first row (has the column headers) in your sorting.
4. Once the Runner Data sheet has been sorted alphabetically, highlight the first 5 columns (Last Name, First Name, Runs, Owed, Gender/Size) and copy the information; you’ll paste it onto the “Sign-In” tab, checking to see that all the data is selected to print (the sheet should be on “Page Break Preview” all ready, so you can make sure everything is included.
5. Once the Sign-In sheet is updated, go back to Runner Data and sort by the number of runs: select all runs 25 and higher. When this information has populated, copy the data and paste it into the “Sign-In 25+” tab. This is the “Clover Club” and they have their own sign-in sheet, which has a shorter line…
6. The last item to update is the information on the “Stats” tab. You will need to update the attendance and the date for each week’s run, as well as the number of runners who have now received their shirts. I will send you an email each Wednesday with the previous week’s database for you to update, as well as the names of the runners who received their shirts (or the names of those who ran, but did not receive their shirt – these runners will need to have a “1” added to the “Owed” column of Runner Data sheet, but I’ll explain that later).
7. Once everything is done, send the completed sheet (with the updated file name, don’t worry about adding “Final” to it) to the email addresses listed above. We like to have the database updated as early as possible after the run, since this information will be used to update the information online.
8. Please keep all the paperwork and bring it with you to the next week’s run; if you will miss that run, please contact me and we can work something out. I’ll need to file the waivers with the others. I also keep several months of sign-ins sheets at a time, in case someone has a dispute with their number of runs.
*Side note: if someone writes on the sign-in sheet that they are missing a run, do not add that run. Instead, note it in the email when the completed database is sent and I will research the situation.*

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