Magento 2 allow administrator to set the special price for product but they have to do it individually.
It will take time of the administrator and they have to calculate the special price by the discount
percentage manually.
The fact that almost seller will assign discount by percentage for group of products instead of change
special price for each product.
Deal Group Management Extension provide for administrator the ability to group products and assign discount
by percentage for group.
The product’s special price will be calculated and auto updated everyday based on the current group and
Demo Version
There are frontend & backend demo version as below:
Frontend: http://demo.x-mage2.com
Backend: Deal Group Management Demo
Username: dealgroupdemouser
Password: xmage2demouser
- Group Management:
- General functions:
The Group Management feature allow administrator to create, edit, delete and mass delete group(s).
Administrator can choose the status of group to disable or enable it in the website.
If a group is deleted, all deals which belong that group will change the group attribute to none and all
group’s products also remove the group attribute to none and clear the special price attribute. - List deals:
Each group can have alot of deals to prepare for all times administrator want to sale the
In Group management, list deal will automatically filter by Group.
Administrator can delete deals which belong that group.
If administrator choose to create deal in list deals of group, the option for choose group of
deal will automatically change to that group. - List products:
Each group can have many products and they will be automatically updated the special price
following the current group and deal.
In Group management, list product will automatically filter by Group.
Administrator can delete products which belong that group.
If administrator choose to create product in list product of group, the option for choose group
will automatically change to that group.
- General functions:
- Deal Management:
- General functions:
The Deal Management feature allow administrator to create, edit, delete and mass delete
deal(s). Administrator can choose the status of deal to disable or enable it in the website.
The list function can be use in Group Management but with group filter.
In Deal Management, if administrator create new deal, the group default will be none. - Deal validate
When creating a new deal or edit deal, there is a rule that each deal can not duplicate the time
range with other deal.
It help the administrator to avoid the confusing when 1 product can be apply 2 or more deal.
When the deal is in the past, it will become expried and can not edit. The administrator only can
delete that deal or keep it for logging.
- General functions:
- Downloads the extension
- Unzip the file
- Open folder “Deal Group Management”
- Copies all content to {Magento 2 Root Folder}
To enable extension:
- php -f bin/magento module:enable—clear-static-content Yosto_DealGroup
- php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
After that, you need to refresh cache at System -> Cache Management. If magento get some trouble such as
broken UI, css or js not found, please run this command:
- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
To enable job:
- Run comand php bin/magento cron:run 2 times. The first for register the cron job and the second for make the job running
For more details, administrator can go to this link
and follow the instruction to install and run cron job.
Change Setting:
Log into your Magento Admin, then goto Marketing -> Deal Group Management -> Configuration or Stores ->
Configuration -> Advanced -> System.
Deal Group Management allow administrator to configure the cron job status and the properties of cron job.
The cron job’s properties is listed in below:
- Generate Schedules Every: Determines the frequency, in minutes, that schedules are written to the cron_schedule table.
- Schedule Ahead for: Determines the number of minutes in advance that schedules are written to the cron_schedule table.
- Missed if Not Run Within: Schedule lifetime in minutes.
- History Cleanup Every: Determines the number of minutes that cron history is kept in the database.
- Success History Lifetime: Determines the number of minutes that the record of successfully completed cron jobs are kept in the database.
- Failuere History Lifetime: Determines the number of minutes that the record of failed cron jobs are kept in the database.
- Use Separate Process: If set to 1, all cron jobs in this group run in parallel as separate processes and if set to 0,
all cron jobs in this group run one after the other as separate processes.
Request Support
Feel free to get support via email: [email protected]