This App template has been built based on SEO Expert App developed and published by StudioMob that can be found in stores (Android/iOS) here.
Quizionic allows you to create Quiz or Question Exam Simulator Apps in Ionic FrameWork with Cordova and SQLite. Quizionic illustrates the use of following capabilities/libraries for a iOS/Android generated App:
1. SQLite/WebSQL: database connectivity: using Cordova SQLite Cordova Plugin
2. CopyDB: A plugin used to copy files from app folder to documents folder like the pre-populated database file data.db
3. In-App purchase: Plugin to enable In-App Billing/Purchasing feature.
4. Google Analytics: Plugin to track App usage by recording user events/navigated screens interactions.
5. Google AdMob: Plugin to monetize your app trough the use of banner/interstial ads from Google.
6. Social sharing: A plugin that allows the sharing across Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Email and more
7. InAppBrowser: Open websites using the In Application Browser
8. Chart js: HTML5 based charting that uses HTML5 canvas for visual data representations
9. Move js: A small JavaScript library for making CSS3 backed animation
10. Localstorage: The easy way to store permanent information on mobile devices/browsers
You can eventually go beyond the purpose of a Quiz app, by taking advantage of the use of SQLite and listed features to adapt the proposed code for your needs.