Client is a doctors office that is trying to cut down on the amount of paperwork their staff has to manually enter into the records system. This project is to take an existing questionaire and convert it into an online form so patients can complete it at home prior to the appointment and send the responses electronically to the office.
The key requirements of this project are:
1) Create a database to store the information.
2) Allow patients to save their records for up to 48 hours and log back in to complete the form.
3) Output contents of database and send to client’s main database every hour (format and method TBD).
4) Purge appropriate records daily.
5) Use provided CSS to create appealing, easy-to-use interface.
6) Use provided CSS to create confirmation notification.
Records will have 4 states:
1) Complete, not sent
2) Complete, sent
3) Incomplete
4) Incomplete, older than 48 hours
All records of states 2 and 4 should be purged nightly.
The questionaire is fairly lengthy, about 4 pages of questions total in PDF format, however it can be broken down into constituent parts. An example page is attached to this posting. Further instruction and suggestions will be provided.
Testing site to be provided for your use with full FTP and/or CPanel access. You will also be responsible for transferring your work to the production server after client accepts testing results.
4 milestones, 25% of fee release upon each:
1) Acceptance of database
2) Acceptance of online form
3) Successful testing of database output and acceptance by main database.
4) Successful testing on production server.
Please respond with time required for completion and any requirements you would have to complete the task.
Thank you.