Finish WordPress Blog

I have quite few clients that own many different sites that periodically need different types of work.

Here is what I need today for a site that does resumes and it is called :

I hired a programmer to clone an HTML site into a wordpress blog. He did for the most part, about 85% of the job, but did not finish about 15% of it. Some of the fine tuning and small details. Here is a list of things that still remain to be done. They are few but very minor and will be accomplished in very little time:

1. When someone chooses to upload their current resume, they are taken to the END of Step 3. Step 3 is a form that the user completes with all their information. They need to be taken to the bottom portion of step 3 where they enter the information starting with SPECIAL TRAINING and on, including the last part.

2. On Step 3 (form where they enter their personal information like work experience, etc), I would like you to copy the code for 4 more spots for employer section, so the total should be 7 spots for employment.

3. When someone buys the service, 2 emails are send with all the information they entered so we can start working on their resume. Where can I change the email addresses that the information will be emailed to when an order is placed?

4. When someone pays with paypal for the service, I specified that the client be redirected to step 3 page. The problem is that there is a very small button on the paypal website that tells the user to go back to Spring Street. I have seen other websites where they will automatically redirect you to their site without having to push any buttons. I have also seen some sites that require a button to be pushed but the button is huge and customized. Can you tell me how to do either?

5. On the Home page, blurb #4 (section under the slider) – the link says moves, instead of More just like the other 3. Fix that.

6. Blue line in the middle of the home page should include the widget for the social bookmarking sites like tweeter, facebook, etc. Also add a widget where someone can email the post to a friend.

7. On step 2, if someone clicks on the image, they are taken to a weird page that is not even aligned.

8. The links page contains some banners. They need to be in the form of widgets so I can place code in them and have the user taken to that link. Also add some banners on the post page.

9. Need instructions on how to change the pictures on the slider.

10. When someone clicks the navigation bar, for a second all the navigation’s buttons appear with a different font and then they go back to their normal font. Lets not have that. All the fonts need to be the same.

11. Install the and configure the following widgets:
Google XML sitemaps and create sitemap.xml files
Akismet stats
Twitter Tools
WP Super Cache
Tell a friend Widget Plug-In

That is it for this site.

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