Website Tweaks

My website is It is a wordpress blog. There are some minor tweaks that need some attention.

1. When copying my link it does not pull the posts’ title. It offers a generic link that says %The Color Curve% | %the Only Place for me%. I need an experienced programmer to erase that message and configure code so when links are copied (to Facebook or other social networking sites) that the link pulls the title from the post.

2. Place large CSS, RSS, Twitter and Facebook buttons in the upper left corner above the “You Can’t Miss” section.

3. Insert a sliding tab that suggests other posts within site, much like what is seen on As you scroll down, the tab slides in from right to left suggesting another post. I need a programmer that can put that together.

4. Insert banners from affiliate marketers I have signed up with in between posts going down the middle of the page.

5. Add in a new background

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