Lead Tracker Manager (Project Management Tools)

Lead Tracker Manager is a very simple to use program that keep track of all your leads, contacts and accounts. Some of the features include a History Timeline to help you remember the last time you contacted a client/lead with notes and an option to follow up with that account. There is also an admin section to look at logs, users, and change settings. Please check out our documentation at http://leadmanager.ignitepros.com/documentation

Demo Login: http://leadmanager.ignitepros.com
Username: admin
Password: admin

Main Features:

  • Account/Leads/Contact Mangament
  • History Notes for Accounts with a Timeline of Events
  • Easy install with simple steps using install.php
  • Full Log capability when accounts get added and deleted
  • Table log of user logins and data modification
  • Dual-user permissions groups (admin and basic user accounts)
  • Admin Approvel prior to new user account setup
  • Captchaâ„¢ math problem on login/forgot/register pages to protect from brute force attacks
  • Full Feature Admin Section; with user managment, additional logs, and panel settings
  • Clean user friendly interface
  • Highly configurable (Commented Code)
  • Audit Log on changes

Download Lead Tracker Manager (Project Management Tools)

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