Opinion8 WordPress Polling Plugin (Utilities)

Grab your visitors attention with amazing polls

The Opinion8 WordPress Polling Plugin lets you ask your visitors attention grabbing polls. It then shows them the results and prompts them to share with their networks

It’s a great way to promote your content since each poll can have related polls which link to other articles.

Plugin Features

+ Manage Polls via Custom Post types
    + Custom "Manage Polls" screen, (see interactions at a glance) (sort by interactions, created, etc.)
    + Bulk Delete
    + Custom Taxonomy for Polls
+ Two types of Poll:
    + Multiple choice
    + Text Field (Ask a question, get responses by email!)
+ See results inline on poll edit page
+ Restart any poll at any time
+ Each poll can have:
    + Question
    + Bi-line
    + Include/Don't switch for "Related Polls" feature
    + Custom Background
        + Choose from 19 High-quality built in backgrounds
        + Upload your own
    + Custom Text Colour (specific to this poll)
    + Type (Multi-choice or Textbox)
        + Specific email to send Email feedback to
        + Choice manager: 
            + Specify multiple-choice answers, each can have it's own outcome, including:
                + Show Results, then sharebox
                + Show sharebox
                + Redirect to URL (custom URL!)
                + Custom HTML!
            + Easily Add and Remove options
    + Tags (These are used to wire up related polls)
+ Settings page lets you setup social shares and other general settings
    + CSS Override
    + Reference Open Sans Font
+ Styles page lets you set global styling options
+ Language page lets you override front-end language right from WP Admin
+ Language integration (/lang directory) means plugin can be translated
+ Share via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Google+
+ Responsive front end output
+ Optimised for many devices
+ Compiled JS, CSS etc.
+ FULLY annotated SCSS stylesheets

Change Log

v1.0 – 20th November 2015

>> Initial release

Download Opinion8 WordPress Polling Plugin (Utilities)

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