Php Register & Login Secure Area

Language : PHP, MySQL, Javascript

I need a PHP Register & Login script SECURE the sessions need to be in a table and need to be dropped after 1 hour of inactivity.

There are plenty of scripts on the internet that do all of this, please find one and minorly tailor it to these needs.

Check : Make sure Javascript checks to make sure the email is a valid setup & fields are not blank. Use Javascript AND PHP for this.

Please no hack jobs, Highly secure well coded PHP please.

1) Register
-Typical, First Name, Last Name, Email, Confirm Password Etc
2) Login
3) Forgot Password
4) Secure Section – Each user that logs in should be able to view their secure section which for this example can echo their information “first name” “last name” etc. This part of the script should be able to be applied to as many pages that are made secure in the future.
5) SESSIONS IN TABLE – Make sure this is highly secure with encrypted sessions
6) Forgot Password > Email confirm to change password

This should be relatively straight forward quick project.

Time is crucial.

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