WooCommerce Sales Count (Marketing)

WooCommerce Sales Count is a WooCommerce extension using which, the Sales Count of the Products can be displayed on Shop Page and Product Page.


  • Display Sales Count in your Shop
  • Works for Simple Product and Variable Product (at Variant Level>
  • Works on Shop Page (for Simple Products) and Product Page
  • Cart Icon Option
  • Font Size, Color etc can be set
  • Highly Customizable
  • Translation Ready
  • WPML Compatible
  • and more

How to Upgrade to a newer version of WooCommerce Sales Count?

If you are using an older version and want to upgrade to the latest version of WooCommerce Sales Count then please do the following steps.

1. Deactivate and Delete the existing version of WooCommerce Sales Count in your site.
2. Download the latest version file (woocommercesalescount.zip) of Handy Cart from Codecanyon.
3. Unzip woocommercesalescount.zip inside which you will find the Plugins files i.e. fpsalescount.zip.
4. Install the latest version of WooCommerce Sales Count i.e. fpsalescount.zip using WordPress Dashboard.
5. Activate the Plugin.

Please note you will not lose any settings values, data etc by following the above steps.


Please check the documentation as we have lots of information there. The documentation file can be found inside the documentation folder which you will find when you unzip the downloaded zip file.

For support, feature request or any help, please register and open a support ticket on our site.


Version 1.0 
- Initial Release 

Download WooCommerce Sales Count (Marketing)

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