Fantasy Baseball Website

I am looking to start up a fantasy baseball website for my baseball league.

The baseball league will consist of approximately 8 teams and 80-90 players

Examples of fantasy sport websites Yahoo Fantasy Baseball &

I would like a website built from scratch that will allow for stats to be input or for stats to be pulled and then update the players stats throughout the website. As I assume most fantasy websites run. Webiste will also need a sign up system where people go to join the league and also will need a sign in/log in section where people will go to edit their team. Possibly even te ability to charge people to join when they sign up would be good also.

As you can see there isn’t much information so far as this will be a project that we will have to work together on creating. As once we find out how it is all put together we can start creating a more detailed plan as to what we want and how to go about it. We really need someone who has had experience in creating fantasy sport websites before.

Please PMB baseball if you are interested in talking about this project more

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