Create your own random jokes website!
Yo Momma is a random jokes script that allows you to make a website that displays a random joke, the user can press the spacebar for a new joke and press the S key which activates a modal with share buttons. The script comes bundled with 3,500+ Yo Momma jokes so your website will be packed with content.
- Display a random joke
- 3,500+ jokes included
- Press the spacebar for a new joke
- Press the “S” key to share jokes
- A beautiful design
- Built using Bootstrap
- New packs of jokes available soon (Chuck Norris, knock knock etc;)
- file_get_contents is required for this script to run. Most web hosts have this enabled, but if you are not sure, please check with your web host.
- 24th Feb: Yo Momma is now mobile responsive
- 24th Feb: Clicking a joke will now load a new joke