Text Compresser (Miscellaneous)

This tool is good for compressing text ( words bigger then 3 chars) up to 7921 word, but unlimited combination of this words.

A string can be compressed at more then 250%

Example – Compressing the biggest english words: 152 chars are compressed to 10 characters – compression 1381%

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism Floccinaucinihilipilification Antidisestablishmentarianism Honorificabilitudinitatibus

is compressed to 565758595a

example 2:

Amet facilisi hac eget sapien enim Morbi Donec mauris quis nascetur.

is compressed to

68 chars compressed to 24 – compression 283%

So don’t forgot, the bigger words are the bigger the compression it will be!

The only Limit is that you can’t have more then 7921 words in dictionary ( but you can have this words repeated as many times you need – no limit )

Download Text Compresser (Miscellaneous)

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