Huge Informative E-book

I want an big and elaborate ebook to give away to my clients. The ebook should be a something like ” How to make money from websites ” .

I dont know exactly what I want But this give away ebook should be worthy to the readers and informative. After reading it they should be thankful for it. The language should be simple and error free . I have created on ebook with 20 pages and need much more content to make it more valuable. I am thinking of more topics like – linking sources, traffic attracting ideas, getting on google page one, how to do keyword research, how to choose urls, hosting plans , adwords… etc etc..

I am attaching the ebook that I have made so far.

Please reply with suggestions and what all topics you can add, how big you can make and how much it would cost. I can spend anywhere from 200 $ to $ 400 but if the idea is good price is not the issue. Ofcourse I would select bid with lowest quote and best experience.

I am looking at around 100 pages. Ebook with pictures , explaination, examples etc.

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